Foster Care

The term “foster care” is used in a variety of ways, and, consequently, it often causes confusion and miscommunication. In the industrialized world it is generally used to refer to formal, temporary placements made by the State with families that are trained, monitored and compensated at some level. In many developing countries, however, fostering is kinship care or other placement with a family, the objective(s) of which may include the care of the child, the child’s access to education, and/or the child’s doing some type of work for the foster family.

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Nuria Fuentes- Peláez, Carme Montserrat, Rosa Sitjes- Figueras, Gemma Crous,

This study aims to advance the understanding of children with special needs in foster care by identifying the characteristics, processes, and outcomes of their placement. The study uses a quantitative approach to identify 190 children with special needs (registered) from among 2,157 foster children in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, Spain and examines key data covering 2008 to 2018. The results show that children with special needs are overrepresented in placements with single-parent foster carers (mainly women), raising questions about the extent to which the care system takes the complexity of special needs into account.

Hope and Homes for Children, Miracle Foundation and Railway Children,

These presentations from Hope and Homes for Children, Miracle Foundation and Railway Children were delivered during the August 20, 2021, workshop of the Care Measurement Task Force of the Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform. The focus of the workshop was child and family outcome measurement.

What Works for Children's Social Care, Centre for Evidence and Implementation,

A systematic review exploring the lived experience of matching children with foster families and examining the evidence on the outcomes of matching decisions.

Minister for Children and Young People, Scottish Government,

This document presents guidance supporting implementation of the new duties for Scottish local authorities: that every looked after child will live with their brothers and sisters, where appropriate to do so.

Deepa Fernandes and Victora Estrada - Latino USA,

This two-part investigation looks into Los Angeles County’s Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), the largest child welfare agency in the U.S., and what happens when the system that is meant to protect these children falls short—and even puts their lives at risk.

Tree of Life, Fondazione L’Albero della Vita,

The Kenya-Italy “Virtual Exchange Program on Foster Care” aims to create a platform for learning, networking and sharing knowledge and best practices on Foster Care among different government stakeholders, from Kenya and Italy.

The exchange program took place on 5th, 7th and 9th July 2021.

Helen Saarnik - Child & Youth Services,

This systematic review explores foster children’s and foster parents’ perceptions of factors related to a successful placement.

Frank Van Holen, Lisa Van Hove, Ann Clé, Camille Verheyden, Johan Vanderfaeillie - Developmental Child Welfare,

For this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 27 foster children placed in long-term family foster care about their experiences regarding “school.”

Crystal Collins-Camargo, Jessica Strolin-Goltzman, A. Nathan Verbist, Alison Krompf, Becky F. Antle - Developmental Child Welfare,

In this paper, authors demonstrate how a structured functional well-being assessment can be used with the custody population to promote an understanding of behavioral health needs, inform case planning, and measure functional improvement over time.

Dana M. Prince, Meagan Ray-Novak, Braveheart Gillani, Emily Peterson - Trauma, Violence, & Abuse,

This article provides an empirically grounded conceptual–theoretical model of disproportionate representation and burden of psychological comorbidities experienced by sexual and gender minority youth (SGMY) in the foster care system in the US.