Kinship Care

Kinship care is the full-time care of a child by a relative or another member of the extended family. This type of arrangement is the most common form of out of home care throughout the world and is typically arranged without formal legal proceedings. In many developing countries, it is essentially the only form of alternative family care available on a significant scale.


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Dr. Ian Milligan - European Union, CELCIS, SOS Children's Villages ,

This report is a case study on alternative care arrangements and deinstitutionalisation in Uganda. 

Dr Chrissie Gale and Mg Patricia Calero Teran - CELCIS & SOS Children's Villages,

The European Commission Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) commissioned SOS Children’s Villages International to undertake case studies of arrangements for ‘alternative child care’ in six non-European countries across three continents to help inform the EU’s future strategy for provision of support for children in countries outside Europe.  This report is a case study of one of the six countries, Ecuador.

Esperanza León, Jesús M. Jiménez‐Morago, Alicia Muñoz‐Silva - Child & Family Social Work,

Within the context of kinship care, the main objectives of this work are to study the characteristics of contact between foster children and their birth parents, and their relationship with key variables of fostering, the children and their kinship caregivers.

Lindsay Hill and Angie Hart,

This article discusses literature on Reslient Therapy in addition to the results of research on how its use can be a positive tool for kinship care.  

UK Department for Education,

This statistical release provides information about looked after children in England for the year ending 31 March 2016, including where they are placed, their legal status, the numbers starting and ceasing to be looked after, and the numbers who go missing or are away from their placement without authorisation. 

Carol Irizarry, Keith Miller & Margaret Bowden - The Journal of Family Social Work,

This research aimed to gain a better understanding of kinship care, its practice issues, and its role in the South Australian alternative care system. 

Ellen Block - AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV,

This paper examines the emergence of a small but growing number of male caregivers who are responding to the needs of the extended family. 

Asnakech Tesfaye - Addis Ababa University - Graduate School of Social Work,

In this research paper Asnakech Tesfaye explores the expectations of Ethiopian children applying for an Australian Orphan Visa.  Tesfaye’s research found children applying for visas expected to get better education, employment, material benefits and living conditions. 

James A. Rosenthal & Rebecca L. Hegar - Journal of Public Child Welfare,

Using data from a national longitudinal survey of children referred to child protective services (NSCAW II), this article compares behavioral, child/caregiver relationship, and school performance outcomes for children residing in kinship and nonkinship settings.

Mónica Ruiz-Casares, Saithong Phommavong - Global Social Welfare,

This study explores the determinants of child-parent separation and the consequences of existing alternative care arrangements from the perspectives of adults and young people in Laos.