Kinship Care

Kinship care is the full-time care of a child by a relative or another member of the extended family. This type of arrangement is the most common form of out of home care throughout the world and is typically arranged without formal legal proceedings. In many developing countries, it is essentially the only form of alternative family care available on a significant scale.


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Child Welfare League of America,

The Nation's Children 2017 provides the most up-to-date data on the status of children in the United States, with statistics on children in out-of-home care, child abuse and neglect, adoption, poverty and other risk factors, and more. 

Paul Adams - CoramBAAF,

Undertaking a connected person / family and friends assessment is designed to help social workers to manage and complete a comprehensive and evidence-based assessment of connected people / family and friends who wish to foster or be special guardians to a known child or children.

Dinithi Wijedasa - Hadley Centre for Adoption & Foster Care Studies, University of Bristol ,

This briefing paper, which is the third in a series, provides a brief overview of the characteristics of the children growing up with relatives in Scotland.

Courtney Lewis - Alaska Law Review,

This Article argues that Alaska should adopt a threestep approach to achieve better outcomes based on the American Bar Association’s model licensing standards, which are narrowly tailored to evaluate whether a child should be placed with a relative. 

Carolyn Hamilton, Kara Apland, Maurice Dunaiski and Elizabeth Yarrow - Coram Children’s Legal Centre,

This study commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation of the Kingdom of Cambodia and UNICEF Cambodia  sheds light on how different forms of alternative care are being used in the community.

Sarah Wellard, Sarah Meakings, Elaine Farmer and Joan Hunt - Grandparents Plus,

The aims of the study were to examine the experiences and outcomes of young adults, aged 16-26, who had lived, or continued to live, in kinship care in the UK.

The Guardian,

This video from The Guardian discusses how six weeks after the Calais migrant camp was demolished, unaccompanied minors were transferred around France and are still waiting to hear from the Home Office. 

Agnes Gautier, Sarah Wellard and Ryan Workman - Grandparents Plus,

This report is based on the largest ever national survey of kinship carers. It explores the experience of kinship families, and draws comparison with findings from a 2010 Survey.

Dr Meredith Kiraly, The Drawing Room - ABC,

In this podcast episode, University of Melbourne researcher Dr. Meredith Kiraly joins Patricia Karvelas in The Drawing Room along with Nic, who is the full-time carer of her 2 year old nephew.

Jennifer C. Davidson, Ian Milligan, Neil Quinn, Nigel Cantwell & Susan Elseley - European Journal of Social Work,

This paper draws on the literature and practice examples from around the world to examine the fundamental challenges experienced by States in their efforts to implement the 'suitability principle,' as described in the Guidelines for the Alternative Care for Children