Events Archive

APFEL & The Fostering Network,

A European network of fostering organisations, APFEL (Acting for the Promotion of Fostering at European Level) is holding its eighth European conference entitled Foster Care Transforming Lives in Edinburgh on 20 November, in partnership with The Fostering Network. 

National Family Support Network,

In this webinar, the National Family Support Network and Be Strong Families will join together to provide an overview of the value of Parent Leadership opportunities for both programs and parents/caregivers. The organizations will detail resources, tools, technical assistance, and trainings they have available to support meaningful parent leadership development, including the Developing and Sustaining Effective Parent Advisory Committees Training and Parent Cafes.


This bite-sized, 7-day sprint will demonstrate what great evidence-based policy looks like and how it can transform the lives of children in care.

Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children (4Children) & LVCT Health,

This webinar will discuss the development of a training curriculum for health workers to help in situations of suspected child abuse, including the piloting and refinement of the package. Participants will understand the package’s components and learn recommendations for improving the integration of violence against children (VAC) prevention and response into HIV clinical services.

Child Protection Hub,

Join this webinar to walk through the PROMISE Child Participation Tool and to discuss approaches and considerations for soliciting children’s views on their Barnahus experience.

Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria; Know-how Center for Alternative Care for Children, New Bulgarian University; Cedar Foundation; UNICEF; Eurochild; SOS Children's Villages; Hope and Homes for Children; Lumos Foundation,

This three day conference - to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria 6-8 November 2019 - aims at sharing and discussing relevant data and experience, promising practices and challenges in the field of Deinstitutionalisation (DI).

The Kenya Society of Care Leavers (KESCA), the Uganda Care Leavers (UCL), Better Care Network, and Changing the Way We Care,

This webinar invites policy makers, practitioners, advocates and careleavers to a unique opportunity to listen and learn from two leaders of careleaver associations.

FICE International,

FICE International is holding its 34th World Congress in Tel Aviv, Israel 29-31 October 2019. The Congress is held every three years, each time in a different country, and is designed to review the work with children at risk, children with special needs, and children and young people in

Dartington Service Design Lab in collaboration with Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University,

Dartington Service Design Lab in collaboration with Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University is hosting a training on 29th October 2019 in London UK.


Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) in partnership with the National Association of Social Workers of Uganda (NASWU),

International Federation of Social Workers 2019 Africa Region Conference will be held in Kampala, Uganda on 28-31 October 2019.