Recent Publications

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10413

Rebecca Nhep,
This article extends clientelism theory to examine the impact of clientelism on the rights of children residing in these unregulated residential care facilities in Cambodia and Myanmar.
Changing the Way We Care,

Studiul sociologic „Implementarea programelor și activităților de sprijin familial primar și a altor activități comunitare centrate pe consolidarea familiei” este un prim studiu realizat în Republica Moldova, cu scopul cartografierii programelor și a activităților de sprijin primar existente prin evaluarea relevanței, a eficienței, durabilității, dificultăților și a bunelor practici. Rezultatele cercetării  au informat elaborarea conceptului și procesul pilotării unui model eficientizat de sprijin primar al familiilor cu copii. Modelul eficientizat al serviciului  urmează să consolideze acțiunile viitoare ale actorilor comunitari în sprijinirea familiilor pentru a putea depăși situațiile de risc.

Better Care Network,


Coram International, UNICEF ECARO, For Every Child,

This is a summary of an evaluation of the child care and deinstitutionalisation reforms in seven countries (Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Tajikistan) for the period of 2009-2022.

Coram International, UNICEF ECARO, For Every Child,

This report presents the main findings, conclusions, and recommendations of an evaluation of the child care and deinstitutionalisation reforms in seven countries in the Europe and Central Asia Region (Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Tajikistan). The report offers valuable insights into the effectiveness of child protection systems and the transition from institutional care to family- and community-based alternatives. It highlights key achievements, lessons learned, and best practices, while also addressing the areas where further improvements are needed to ensure that every child can grow up in a nurturing, safe, and supportive environment.

Patricia Lannen,

This is a recording of a presentation Dr. Patricia Lannen, the principal investigator of the “LifeStories project”, delivered during a meeting of the Evidence for Impact Working Group of the Transforming Children's Care Collaborative on 2 October 2024. LifeStories is a 60-year longitudinal study of individuals placed in infant care institutions.

Evidence for Impact Working Group - Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

On November 20, 2024, the Evidence for Impact Working Group as part of the Transforming Children’s Care Collaborative hosted the "Building Evidence to Impact Care Reform - Challenges and Le

Evidence for Impact Working Group - Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

On November 20, 2024, the Evidence for Impact Working Group as part of the Transforming Children’s Care Collaborative hosted the "Building Evidence to Impact Care Re

United Nations,

Remarks by Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, at a high-level event on ending violence against children in New York on 14 November, 2024. She highlighted the Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children held in Bogota, Colombia, on 7 - 10 November, where delegations from more than 120 countries attended to identify innovative solutions focusing on evidence-based approaches for the broadest impact supporting children and their caregivers through effective prevention of and response to violence in its various forms. 

Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children,

 وثمة عوامل تفاقِم الأخطار التي يواجهها الأطفال، من بينها الهجرة والتهجير غير  الآمنين، والنزاعات المسلحة، وتغير المناخ، والجوائح، والاستغلال الذي تتيحه التقنياتُ  منع العنف ضد الأطفال والاستجابة إليه هو أحد الحديثة، وتصاعد التفاوت.