
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

FrameWorks Institute,

This toolkit presents a compendium of research on how Albertans think about the issues of early childhood development, and how to increase public support for policies and programs that support healthy child development.

Chantal Quesney - Universite du Quebec a Montreal,

La Société d’adoption et de protection de l’enfance à Montréal fut, de 1937 à 1972,la plus importante agence de placement «hors murs» de la province. Pionnière dans le domaine au Québec, elle aura œuvré à l’implantation des conditions légales et minimales nécessaires à la désinstitutionnalisation adéquate des enfants sans famille. De fait, le passage du placement asilaire comme mode de protection privilégié à celui en foyer d’accueil ou d’adoption, soulève des enjeux juridiques nouveaux tout comme il appelle la mise en place de pratiques et de savoirs inédits. 

Child Welfare Outcomes - Elizabeth Fernandez and Richard P. Barth,

This book features individual empirical studies on the outcomes and progress made for children in foster care around the world.

Canadian Red Cross ,

The Canadian Red Cross has produced a handbook on the prevention of violence against children. The handbook includes specific guidance on preventing violence against vulnerable children, such as children in institutions, children involved in armed conflict and children with disabilities.

Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Maartje P. C. M. Luijk, and Femmie Juffer - Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Volume 54, Number 3,

In this meta-analysis of 75 studies on more than 3,888 children in 19 different countries, the intellectual development of children living in children's homes (orphanages) was compared with that of children living with their (foster) families.

Jason D. Brown, Susan Rodger - Children and Youth Services Review,

A random sample of licensed foster parents caring for children with disabilities in a major Canadian city was asked “what are the problems you encounter fostering a child with a disability?”

Zofia Sonia Worotynec,

This paper examines how international adoption fits within the legal and conceptual framework of Canadian policy and legislation and international treaties to which Canada is a party.

National Youth In Care Network,

This one-page document identifies some difficulties that youth face in leaving institutional care. Offers recommendations to assist financial, emotional, and educational preparation for emancipation.

Gauthier Yvon, Fortin Gilles, Jéliu Gloria,

Les enfants en famille d’accueil sont une population à haut risque de troubles d’attachement. Dans une tentative de prévention de tels troubles, une Clinique d’Attachement a été développée à Montréal (Canada) dans le but d’offrir une consultation aux intervenants en Protection de l’Enfant qui œuvrent avec les enfants 0-6 ans en famille d’accueil et leurs familles.

Moore, J,

Cette these de doctorat porte sur l'attachement et les capacites adaptatives des adolescents places en famille d'accueil.