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Ese video explica el sistema de cuidado alternativo en Argentina, particularmente la utilización de “hogares convivenciales,” donde viven juntos muchos niños y niñas separados de sus familias y el trabajo de DONCEL a ayudar a esos niños y niñas.
La investigación es un trabajo en conjunto entre DONCEL, GUÍA EGRESO y&
This report from SOS Children’s Villages and the University of Bedfordshire provides reviews and assessments of the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children in 21 countries around the world.
This preliminary report analyzes the practice of foster care in Argentina. The material will be useful for the development of foster care services in the Latin American region, due to the fact that the situation of foster care in Argentina can be seen as a model of the current regional context.
This research paper provides a brief overview of the Vietnam Babylift and of a more recent child abduction attempt in Chad. Then, turning to the history of child abduction and adoption history in Latin America, the paper presents the conflicts of El Salvador and Argentina and discusses ‘living disappeared’ children – those who disappear into adoption networks during war. The research explores the post-conflict social realities in both nations. The role of the social worker and specific practices are identified and discussed in context of generalist social work practice.
Esta página de Doncel presenta una panorama general de la "Ley de Egreso" que establece nuevos derechos para jóvenes sin cuidados parentales en Argentina.