
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Institute for Security Studies (ISS), the INSPIRE Working Group, International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN),

Case studies from Peru, Cambodia and DRC provide lessons on how income support can contribute to keeping children safe.

Jane Chambers - BBC News,

COVID-19 has left many of Peru's children orphaned, placing severe strain on surviving family members to provide care for those left behind.

Child Identity Protection (CHIP),

This research brought together the testimonies of adoption professionals (national and international) concerned with the situation of abandoned and placed children in five South American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Peru. The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the new realities of adoption, in a context where these countries have chosen to limit or stop their foreign adoption practices. 

M. Caridad Araujo, Marta Rubio-Codina, Norbert Schady - Inter-American Development Bank, Social Protection and Health Division ,

This document compares three versions of the same home visiting model, aimed at improving parent-child interactions and child development: the well-known Jamaica model, which was gradually scaled up from an efficacy trial (‘proof of concept’) in Jamaica, to a pilot in Colombia, to an at-scale program in Peru.

Elevate Children Funders Group and Global Philanthropy Project with the research team Sentiido,

This report explores how gender-restrictive groups are using child protection rhetoric to manufacture moral panic and mobilize against human rights, and how this strengthens the illiberal politics currently undermining democracies.


Este informe se presenta el caso de Perú y su proceso de elaboración de políticas para la primera infancia el cual cuenta con características particulares que son de interés para la Agenda Regional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Primera Infancia.


The purpose of this review is to explore how UNICEF country offices have used Public Finance for Children (PF4C) analyses and interventions within child protection, with a view to learning lessons from their experiences.

Aga Khan Foundation, ECDAN, The Lego Foundation, UNICEF,

This global webinar will delve into the challenges, emerging research from Kenya, and practical country examples from Mozambique, Tajikistan and Peru. The webinar will highlight how children with developmental delays and disabilities can have the best chance to not only survive, but also thrive.

Red Latinoamericana de Egresados de Protección, with DONCEL, Hope and Homes for Children and UNICEF,

The purpose of the research is to generate learning and recommendations to develop public policies to support the transition of adolescents and youth from the alternative care system to autonomous life in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Doncel, Hope and Homes for Children, Latin American Network of Care Leavers, UNICEF,

This webinar builds up on the results of the research More Autonomy, More Rights (2020) Coordinated by CSO Doncel, in the representation of the Latin American Network of Care Leavers and supported by UNICEF LACRO and Hope and Homes for Children.