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Kazakhstan has approved a $1.5 million project to create a database of children who have been identified as available for adoption, according to the article.
On 10 September 2014, UNICEF and the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria co-hosted a high level Lunchtime Discussion on The right of children below three years to live in a caring and supportive family environment: examples from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In its presentation at the discussion, Kazakhstan demonstrated how the integration of social workers and outreach services in the health sector is reducing baby abandonment in pilot areas of the country.
On 10 September 2014, UNICEF and the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria co-hosted a high level lunchtime discussion on the right of children below three years to live in a caring and supportive family environment: examples from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Kazakhstan showed how the integration of social workers and outreach services in the health sector is reducing baby abandonment in pilot areas of the country.
On 10 September 2014, UNICEF and the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria co-hosted a high level Lunchtime Discussion on The right of children below three years to live in a caring and supportive family environment: examples from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
This article by Tengrinnews reports that Kazakhstan plans to introduce major changes to its orphans and disadvantaged children programs.
This article provide one of the most comprehensive assessments of physical growth, biological markers of growth and nutrition, and general behavioral development, in this case conducted on 286 children under 3 years of age living in 10 institutions in Kazakhstan that were globally deficient.
Oxford Policy Management has conducted two rounds of qualitative evaluations of three poverty-reduction and human development programmes run by the BOTA Foundation in Kazakhstan: the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Programme, the Social Services Programme and the Tuition Assistance Programme. Each report produced by Oxford Policy Management includes a description of the methodology and results of the fieldwork as well as conclusions and recommendations.
This presentation to the 2012 Sofia Conference by the Kuan Sabi Program, in Kazakhstan suggests ways to improve the knowledge and skills of Primary Health Care workers that care for children under the age of 3.
This edition of Insights produced by UNICEF summarizes the findings and recommendations of studies on the impact and outreach of social protection systems in Albania, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine where high rates of child placement in formal care still persist. The research offers important insight into the weaknesses and challenges faced by social protection systems in the region, but also point to ways in which policy-makers might maximise the impact of social protection systems in order to ‘keep families together’.
This study on violence against children in state-run residential institutions in Kazakhstan was conducted under the national Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights and UNICEF. Data was collected from six different types of state run- residential institutions for children in 3 regions using a multi-methods approach, including surveys with children ( 9-18 years old) and staffs, and interviews with young people (17-23 years old) who had left the care of these institutions.