This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.
Key Stakeholders
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Drivers of Institutionaliziation
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Key Data Sources
Add New DataThailand Alternative Care Case Study
Prevalence and number of children living in institutional care: global, regional, and country estimates
Displaying 81 - 90 of 99
La Thaïlande maintient chaque année en détention des milliers d’enfants migrants, leur causant des dommages émotionnels et physiques, a déclaré Human Rights Watch dans un rapport. Des enfants migrants et demandeurs d’asile sont détenus de manière inutile dans des lieux de rétention sordides et des cellules de la police, en raison de leur statut en matière d’immigration ou de celui de leurs parents.
"About 21 per cent of children or more than three million children in Thailand do not live with either of their parents due to internal migration, a significant phenomenon that may have a long-term impact on the children’s development and well-being," says this press release from UNICEF.
This report presents the findings of a mappings and assessments review of child protection systems in 14 countries including Cambodia.
This report presents an overview of the findings of four separate studies conducted in vulnerable communities in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam on knowledge, attitudes and practices related to child sexual abuse, including in travel and tourism.
This document contains the Price Proposal Form for the UNICEF consultancy to conduct a Review of Alternative Care in Thailand: Policy to Practice with special focus on Children Affected by HIV/AIDS (CABA).
This document contains the RFP for UNICEF Thailand consultancy to conduct a Review of Alternative Care in Thailand: Policy to Practice with special focus on Children Affected by HIV/AIDS (CABA).
UNICEF Thailand Country Office is seeking a qualified institution to conduct a Review of Alternative Care in Thailand: Policy to Practice with special focus on Children Affected by HIV/AIDS (CABA).
This study, coordinated by the United Nations Inter-agency Project on Human Trafficking, draws findings from in-depth interviews with 252 trafficked persons about their experiences of (re)integration, including successes and challenges, as well as future plans and aspirations.
This revised report presents findings from an evaluation of the Child Protection Monitoring and Response System (CPMRS) in Thailand for the period 2006-2012.
This report was commissioned by the Swedish network Schyst Resande and conducted by the Fair Trade Center, with the overall objective of raising awareness of children’s rights in relation to tourism and travel destinations which many Swedish tourists visit.