Sri Lanka

List of Organisations

Displaying 41 - 50 of 52

List of Organisations

Nayomi Kannangara ,

This manual, produced by Save the Children in Sri Lanka, provides guidance on Family Group Conferencing (FGC), which was introduced to the governmental childcare structure in Sri Lanka's Southern Providnce between 2006-2008. Th

Nirekha De Silva and Asitha G. Punchihewa ,

This research on the institutionalization of children in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka was carried out by Save the Children with the support of the Department of Probation and Children Care Services and National Institute of Social Development.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),

L’objectif global de l’étude est d’améliorer les connaissances par rapport à la protection et aux droits des enfants placés en établissement au Sri Lanka, d’utiliser ces connaissances pour promouvoir des changements axés sur la recherche et de faciliter la mise en œuvre des pratiques exemplaires et des solutions de rechange convenables aux soins en établissement.

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation,

A regional strategic framework for coordinating policies to protect, care and support children affected by HIV/AIDS in South Asia.

Cristina Roccella,

This report provides a general overview of the situation of voluntary residential care institutions in Sri Lanka through the results of a national assessment campaign conducted in all districts by Probation Officers and Child Rights Promotion Officers.

John Parry-Williams,

A situation analysis of laws, policies, and structures relevant to child protection in Sri Lanka, and a set of recommendations for improving the alternative care system.

John Williamson and Malia Robinson,

An evaluation of a programme in Sri Lanka that aimed to resettle and reintegrate children affected by armed conflict, prevent and respond to child abuse, and develop community based alternatives to institutional care.

International Save the Children Alliance,

Results of a survey examining the quality of institutional care in Sri Lanka. Highlights gaps in existing policies and procedures.

National Department of Probation and Child Care – Sri Lanka,

Outlines specific guidelines for targeting, sponsor contact, benefits, and monitoring in child sponsorship programmes in Sri Lanka.

Oxfam International,

Briefing note advocating cash transfers in disaster relief, with a particular focus on operations in Sri Lanka and Indonesia following the tsunami in 2004.