
Displaying 11 - 20 of 46

Isabel‐Sofia Costa, Maria Barbosa‐Ducharne, Jesús Palacios, Joana Soares - Child & Family Social Work,

The present study aims to identify the adoptee, parents and family related predictors of the adoptive parents' parenting stress, exploring direct and indirect effects. Fifty Portuguese adolescents' adoptive parents participated in this study.

Joana Albuquerque, Cecília Aguiar, Eunice Magalhães - Children and Youth Services Review,

This qualitative study, conducted in Portugal, aimed to understand professionals' perspectives on the collaborative processes between the Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) and the Child Protection Systems.

Eunice Magalhães & Maria Manuela Calheiros - Child Indicators Research,

For this study, a sample of 365 adolescents in residential care settings in Portugal completed a set of self-reported measures, specifically, the Rights perceptions scale, the Place attachment scale and Scales of psychological well-being.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Mónica Costa, Beatriz Melim, Semira Tagliabue, Catarina Pinheiro Motab, Paula Mena Matos - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study aims to analyze different level predictors (sociodemographic and institutional history-related, emotional/relational and contextual level) of the quality of the relationship between adolescents and their caregivers, in a sample of 326 adolescent participants (228 female and 98 male) from 20 residential care institutions.

Joana Baptista, Jay Belsky, Sofia Marques, Joana R. Silva, Carla Martins, Isabel Soares - Infant Behavior and Development,

This study extends research on the effects of institutionalization—by examining the trajectories of cognitive, language and motor development of 64 Portuguese infants and toddlers across the first six months of institutionalization, while determining whether pre-institutional adversities and the stability and consistency of institutional care predict children’s development.

Child Protection Hub,

Join this webinar to walk through the PROMISE Child Participation Tool and to discuss approaches and considerations for soliciting children’s views on their Barnahus experience.

Paulo Delgado, Isabel M. Bernedo Muñoz, João M. S. Carvalho, María D. Salas Martínez, Miguel Ángel García-Marín - International Journal of Social Science Studies,

This study aims at comparing the nature and processes of contact between children in foster care and their birth families; the relationship between the existence and quality of contact and foster carers’ burden; and the relationship between the existence or not of contact and the existence of reunification plans.

UNICEF and Child Protection Hub,

The purpose of this webinar is to shed light on the specific experiences and issues of unaccompanied and separate girls in the European Response.

Rachel Baptista, Maria Helena Zamora, Eduardo Santos - International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) ,

This article examines the family reintegration process for those in care in Portugal and Brazil.