A World Without Orphans,

A World Without Orphans original animation. Find out more at: www.worldwithoutorphans.org

The Kenya Society of Care Leavers (KESCA), the Uganda Care Leavers (UCL), Better Care Network, and Changing the Way We Care,

This webinar - presented by the Kenya Society of Care Leavers (KESCA), the Uganda Care Leavers (UCL), The Better Care Network and Changing the Way We Care - offered policy makers, practitioners, advocates and careleavers a unique opportunity to listen and learn from two leaders of careleaver associations who highlighted two recent documents that illustrate the careleaver experience within and outside of care.

Fred de Sam Lazaro - PBS Newshour,

This video segment from the PBS Newshour shines a light on efforts underway in Cambodia to reintegrate children from orphanages back into their families or into family-based care.

Samhar Gowhar - BBC News,

This video from BBC News shares the stories of Akira, 23, and her younger sister Charntay who were separated for 15 years. Akira was separated from her family by the care system for 15 years. Her younger sister Charntay was adopted abroad, whilst Akira remained in London.

CBS News,

This documentary from CBS News takes viewers inside the real-life challenges facing migrant families split apart by the Trump administration's "Zero Tolerance" policy.

Pumza Fihlani - BBC News,

In this video for BBC News, Southern Africa reporter Pumza Fihlani went to visit Antalaha Prison in Sava, one of Madagascar's biggest vanilla-producing regions, to expose the "worrying" conditions of the prison where children accused of stealing vanilla beans are being held (some for up to nearly three years without trial).

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

On Sept. 19, the Casey Foundation hosted a webinar sharing data and lessons from the first phase of Learn and Earn to Achieve Potential (LEAP)™, an effort to boost employment and educational opportunities for young people ages 15 to 25 who’ve experienced homelessness or been involved with public systems.

The Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children (4Children),

In this webinar, 4Children shared an overview of the development and content of the case management package.

Jerry Omondi - CGTN,

This video from CGTN's Talk Africa explores Kenya's recent decision to ban the adoption of children by foreign nationals.

PBS News Hour,

This video from PBS News Hour features an interview with Dr. Alan Shapiro, a clinical professor in pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and co-founder of Terra Firma, who discusses the emotional and physical harms of detention on migrant children in the US.