Poypiti Amatatham and Thomas Fuller - New York Times,

This video from the New York Times shines a light on the orphanage tourism industry in Cambodia. 

The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

Este video explica estrés tóxico y cosas que podemos hacer para defendernos a nosotros y a nuestros hijos de los efectos de incluso el estrés más intenso.

One Sky Foundation,

In this video, One Sky Foundation describes its work to strengthen families and keep children out of children's homes in the Thai-Burma border district of Sangkhlaburi. 


This webinar featured presentations and discussions from practitioners who have experience of working on alternative care (short term and long term) and prioritising family-based care in emergency settings that could be helpful for practitioners in India as they plan a response for children who have lost parents to COVID-19.