Next Generation Nepal,

In this talk, Emily Delap from Family for Every Child puts the use of orphanages in Nepal into a global context and explores the international evidence on the harm caused by allowing children to grow up away from families, and on the problems of orphanage voluntourism.

Next Generation Nepal Country Director Martin Punaks talks about orphanage trafficking in Nepal, why orphanage volunteers may inadvertently be part of the problem and how you can be part of the solution through ethical volunteering and other ways of "giving back."


A PSA produced by Hillside Digital Trust about Kick4Life's work in supporting vulnerable children in Lesotho

Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik (SC Indonesia), the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, the Alliance for Family Based Care,

A video campaign on family based care that is being displayed in a major chain of cinemas in Indonesia. The video contains a message on the importance of family based care for children by representatives of all religious leaders and the Ministry of Social Affairs. 

Save the Children,

This video highlights the importance of keeping children with families.

Anna Bressanin - BBC News,

This six-part video series from the BBC highlights the discrimination and challenges that poor women of color face in the child welfare system in New York City. 

Eric Hartman, Better Volunteering Better Care - Matador Network,

This video is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. The 3-minute video summarizes the research on how and why orphanage trips are harmful to children.

Daniel Mulloy,

The filmmaker Daniel Mulloy has directed a new 20-minute film, entitled ‘Home,’ which is inspired by the current refugee crisis. 

Tara Winkler - TEDx Sydney,

In this TED Talk, Tara Winkler, the Managing Director of the Cambodian Children’s Trust (CCT), discusses the detrimental impacts that family separation and orphanage placement have on children and speaks out against donating to, or supporting, orphanages in developing countries.

BBC News,

This video from the BBC tells the story of a 16 year-old unaccompanied minor from Syria, named Omar. The video features Omar’s illustrations of his journey from Syria to Calais.