Save the Children Indonesia,

This animated video describes Indonesia's Families First Signature Program which began in 2005. The goal of Families First is to ensure that every child in Indonesia has a safe, family environment, recognizing that family-based care is best for child development. The video describes how the Signature Program has helped shift care away from institutions towards family-based care.

Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health,

A new video describes a Mailman School-led study to assess the size of the problem. Interspersed with footage of children in informal settlements and orphanages, researchers and officials describe the growth of residential care facilities in Cambodia, many which are operated or funded by foreign charities, including religious groups. 

Charles Stratford Al Jazeera America,

This video highlights the impact of the fighting in Ukraine on children, particularly on children who have been orphaned by the crisis.

Child's i Foundation,

In this video Child's i Foundation works with Care 4 Kids, an orphanage for 53 children, which wants to reintegrate children back into families but had challenges convincing the families that they could provide better care. Child's i Foundation organised an open day for families and invited parents who had taken their children back from Rafiki to explain the benefits of children growing up in families.

Child's i Foundation,

​This video by Child's i Foundation in Uganda document's the journey of a little girl, Praise, from being abandoned to being placed into to a permanent family. The video shows the tracing process and temporary placement with a foster carer, Ruth.

Child's i Foundation,

Five years ago, Child's i Foundation founder Lucy Buck set up a 25-bed 'transitional facility' to prove it was possible to place children in need of care into permanent families. Childs' i Foundation piloted an 'emergency care pilot' to see if there was a viable family-based alternative for

GHR Foundation,

This short video by GHR presents information on the Children in Familes program with a focus on Cambodia. GHR's grantees are supporting child protection interventions that strengthen families in order to prevention separation of children from their families.

James Bell Associates,

This three-part video series shows how a fictional organization, Greene County Department of Human Services, set out to improve permanency for children and youth by increasing the number of available foster and adoptive homes using data-driven decision making (DDDM).


This short video by ChildSafe in Cambodia explains how donations to orphanages, rather than helping the situation, often cause the creation of more orphans. It is estimated that about 80% of the 8 million children living in institutions around the world are not actually orphans. Donations to orphanages only fuel the orphanage industry further, so the focus should instead be on supporting families.

Africa Investigates - Al Jazeera English,

This video investigates Nigeria’s “baby farms,” an industry in which young pregnant women are lured into “orphanages” with the promise of shelter, meals, and basic care and, in return, are coerced into giving up their babies at birth.