Ukraine Response

This section includes resources, news and other key documents related to children's care in the context of the current humanitarian crisis affecting Ukraine and surrounding countries. This section is updated daily.


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Joint document with Individuals who have experienced institutional care, as well as those who have experience with family-based care,

В Україні вперше особи, які перебували в інституційних установах, а також ті, хто має досвід сімейного догляду, об’єдналися та узгодили спільну позицію щодо реформування системи догляду та підтримки дітей, у тому числі розвитку програм підтримки дітей-сиріт та дітей, позбавлених батьківського піклування.

Joint document with Individuals who have experienced institutional care, as well as those who have experience with family-based care,

In Ukraine, for the first time, individuals who have experienced institutional care, as well as those who have experience with family-based care, have united and agreed upon a common position regarding the reform of the child care and support system, including the development of programs to support orphaned children and children deprived of parental care.

Kateryna Buchko, Irena L. C. Connon, Lena Dominelli ,

This study explores Ukrainian responses to internally displaced people during the first and second waves of war-induced displacement and internal migration in Ukraine, which took place after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and after the full-scale invasion of 2022. It also addresses the unique challenges faced by Ukrainian social work professionals in supporting displaced people, service people and their families, disabled veterans, and orphaned children as the war continues and also for resettlement in a post-war context.

Karla Jones, Brooklyn Roberts - American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC),

Gillian Huebner, Executive Director of the Collaborative on Global Children's Issues at Georgetown University, spoke with Karla Jones & Brooklyn Roberts about the children who have been kidnapped and disappeared during Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The Coordination Center for Family Upbringing and Child Care Development,

On 26 April 2024 the International Dialogue on Better Care Reform was held in Kyiv as part of the International Summit of Ministers of Social Policy. The Government of Ukraine is currently working on establishing an International Advisory Group to serve as a platform for collaboration, guidance, and ongoing support to strengthen its child care and protection systems.

World Vision,

This report presents an analysis of focus group discussions (FGDs) conducted over the course of December 2023 and January 2024 with children affected by the conflict in Ukraine, including those displaced within Ukraine as well as those in Romania, Moldova, and Georgia.

Karen S Rotabi-Casares, Patricia F Fronek, Justin S Lee,

This article examines the adoption of Ukrainian children, by U.S. citizens as the Ukrainian government ceases adoptions of children during the chaos of war. Intercountry adoption dynamics are presented with data from 2021, prior to the conflict in 2022.

Georgetown University Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues, the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States, the U.S. Department of State,

In this conversation moderated by Gillian Huebner, executive director of the Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues at Georgetown University, panelists outline Ukrainian efforts to protect its children and the measures international partners can take to support an effective response to the impact of Russia’s policies of aggression on Ukraine’s future.

Child Identity Protection,

Judge Raul Pangalangan International Criminal Court Judge (2015 – 2021)

Patricia Fronek, Karen S Rotabi-Casares, Marina Lypovetska,

This article focuses on The Taken Children of Ukraine during the first 6 months of the war and its implications for social workers engaged in work with children and their families.