Ukraine Response

This section includes resources, news and other key documents related to children's care in the context of the current humanitarian crisis affecting Ukraine and surrounding countries. This section is updated daily.


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Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Reintegration of Temporary Occupied Territories of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine,

On 9 August 2023 the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Reintegration of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine signed a joint Order No274-H/215/651 adopting a Model Plan for the return of Ukrainian children evacuated from 22 baby homes and placed in boarding institutions in safer places in Ukraine and abroad.

European Disability Forum,

У рамках цього процесу Міністерство соціальної політики України об’єднало зусилля з широким колом представників громадянського суспільства для проведення п’ятиденного навчання та інтенсивного стратегічного планування деінституціалізації протягом квітня та травня 2023 року. У цьому документі представлені ключові висновки та рекомендації, зроблені під час п’ятиденного обміну думками та стратегічного планування. Ми сподіваємося, що ці рекомендації стануть основою для процесу стратегічного планування уряду, а також допоможуть донорам визначити свої пріоритети. Всі учасники висловили побажання, щоб цей захід став «останнім поштовхом» до повної трансформації системи догляду та виховання та назавжди поклав край інституціалізації дітей в Україні. 

European Disability Forum,

During April and May 2023, the Ukrainian Ministry of Social Policy joined forces with a broad range of civil society actors to facilitate five days of learning and intensive strategic planning on deinstitutionalization. This document presents the key findings and recommendations from those five days of exchange of ideas and strategic planning. It is hoped that these recommendations will inform the government’s strategic planning process, as well as providing insight for donors to inform their priorities.

Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2023),

The Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023 focussed on action to help Ukraine build back better, greener and as a more resilient and prosperous European nation. In particular, URC 2023 aimed to generate greater momentum on the role of the private sector – and the reforms required to drive investment – as essential elements for Ukraine’s long-term recovery.

Interagency Statement,

Шістнадцять неурядових організацій, які мають досвід захисту дітей, інклюзії з обмеженими можливостями та прав людини, закликають Уряд України та його міжнародних партнерів виконати ці ключові рекомендації щодо розвитку інклюзивної системи захисту

Interagency Statement,

Sixteen NGOs with expertise in child protection, disability inclusion and human rights call on the Government of Ukraine and its international partners to implement these key recommendations on the development of an inclusive child protection and care system. 

Disability Rights International, Disability Rights Ukraine,

DRI asked more than 500 families living in Ukraine what they are now experiencing during the war and what they need. In interviews with DRI staff, parents lay out all the difficult challenges and barriers they face. These interviews provide a blueprint of the change that must occur – by governments, donors, policymakers, caregivers, and communities during the war and recovery process.

Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union,

The Swedish Presidency has initiated a declaration to support the protection of Ukrainian children. The declaration will mobilise support among EU Member States for continued engagement in protecting the children who have been affected by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,

This Procedure determines the mechanism of safety of the children and persons living or enlisted on the round-the-clock stay in organizations of different types, patterns of ownership and subordination (further - children and persons), during warlike situation by acceptance in case of need died to their temporary movement (evacuation), ensuring placement, proper leaving, education, and also return in the place of their permanent residence (stay), and in case of departure out of limits of Ukraine - to Ukraine.

Child Identity Protection (CHIP),

Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, CHIP President, discusses the measures in place to ensure that the many children that crossed the Polish/Ukraine border alone travelled with identity documents that would allow them to access child protection measures as they proceed on their journey.