Ukraine Response

This section includes resources, news and other key documents related to children's care in the context of the current humanitarian crisis affecting Ukraine and surrounding countries. This section is updated daily.


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European Commission,

This Communication takes stock of the Temporary Protection Directive implemented on 4 March 2022 over the course of one year. It provides insight into how the EU managed to enable and coordinate a response to the largest displacement on European soil since the Second World War.

Interagency Statement,

Принудительное перемещение, депортация и усыновление детей из Украины, призводящее к окончательному разлучению детей с их семьями, сообществами  и культурой, является явным нарушением их прав человека и международного гуманитарного права и пр

Interagency Statement,

Примусове переміщення, депортація та усиновлення дітей з України, що призвело до остаточного розлучення дітей із їхні

Interagency Statement,

This interagency document is open to endorsement by organizations, networks and agencies and we hope that you will consider adding your name to it and use it in your work and advocacy on behalf of children’s rights in Ukraine.


Alexander is one of many Ukrainian teenagers who fled to Moldova unaccompanied. Thanks to the partnership between border police, child protection specialists working with UNICEF and local authorities, he was identified and integrated into a foster family from Causeni. Since the onset of the conflict, one of UNICEF's biggest priorities has been to protect children from abuse or trafficking. 

Larysa Bayda, Olha Mordan, Alla Sotska,

This survey was carried out from December 19, 2022, to January 17, 2023. Its purpose was to determine the situation regarding potential opportunities for the implementation of legally guaranteed rights for children with disabilities and members of their families and the relevant practices and to study the urgent problems in the wartime.

United Nations General Assembly,

At its resumed eleventh emergency special session, the world body adopted a new resolution calling for an end to the war, only hours before the conflict enters its second year on Friday, 24 February 2023.

Interagency Statement,

In this joint statement, the co-signatories call on international, European Union and national authorities, to prevent and respond to child protection risks that threaten the well-being of children within and those fleeing Ukraine.

Yale School of Public Health’s Humanitarian Research Lab,

This report published by the Yale School of Public Health’s Humanitarian Research Lab (HRL) documents the relocation by Russia of at least 6,000 children from Ukraine to a network of re-education and adoption facilities in Russia-occupied Crimea and mainland Russia.

Viktoriia Adamenko - Save the Children International,

The dramatic escalation of war in Ukraine in February 2022 has affected every person in the country.