Ukraine: News

Displaying 161 - 170 of 171


This is a speech delivered by Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director, at the World Economic Forum March 21, 2022. She details the ongoing work UNICEF Ukraine is doing on the ground even as child casualties continue to grow.

Maria Varenikova - The New York Times,

"In one of the more bizarre consequences of coronavirus travel restrictions, biological parents, babies and surrogate mothers have become scattered and sometimes stranded in multiple countries for months this year," says this article from the New York Times that describes the situation of surrogates and babies waiting to be retrieved in Ukraine.

Valeria Perasso - BBC News,

This article from BBC News describes the impacts of coronavirus lockdowns on surrogacy arrangements, particularly the separation of parents and their babies, born to surrogate mothers in Ukraine, who are unable to unite due to travel restrictions.

Samantha Hawley - ABC News,

This article from ABC News in Australia investigates the phenomenon of Australian and other foreign couples who "commission" surrogates in Ukraine, only to abandon the babies after they are born.


Завершується 1 етап реформи ДІ. Тому хочемо поділитися з вами основними здобутками реформи в цілому, реалізації ДІ в Житомирській області та здобутках інклюзивної освіти в Україні.


Lumos "will help implement the reform of orphanages in Ukraine's Zhytomyr region under a pilot project, according to the Ukrainian media company NewWest Media."

Hope and Homes for Children ,

Lesya Belenok describes her role as a social worker with Hope and Homes for Children in Makariv, a district in the Kyiv region of Ukraine.

Halya Postliuk - Hope and Homes for Children,

This article provides a summary of the findings from the first comprehensive audit of Ukraine’s child protection system, conducted by Hope and Homes for Children. 

Charles Stratford Al Jazeera America,

This video highlights the impact of the fighting in Ukraine on children, particularly on children who have been orphaned by the crisis.

Laurie Ahern - Huffington Post Blog,

In her article for Huffington Post’s “The Blog,” Laurie Ahern, President of Disability Rights International, writes about the increased risk of child trafficking experienced by children, particularly those with disabilities, in Ukraine’s orphanages.