Ukraine Response

This section includes resources, news and other key documents related to children's care in the context of the current humanitarian crisis affecting Ukraine and surrounding countries. This section is updated daily.


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The war in Ukraine has displaced more than 2 million people as they flee their country to find refuge. Roughly half of those displaced are children. Among them, many are unaccompanied or have been separated from their families. Children on the move in and outside of Ukraine are at heightened risk of violence, exploitation and abuse. This guidance, produced by the UNICEF team, outlines how authorities and aid workers can help keep children displaced by the war in Ukraine safe from trafficking and other forms of exploitation and abuse.

Protection Cluster Ukraine,

Кластер захисту координує заходи захисту та виступає за вдосконалення політики та законодавства, що стосуються людей, які постраждали від конфлікту. Він також займається розбудовою потенціалу та надає рекомендації щодо включення захисту у всі заходи гуманітарного реагування. Це знімок захисту для України за період з 6 по 9 березня 2022 року, складений Protection Cluster Ukraine.

Protection Cluster Ukraine,

The Protection Cluster coordinates the protection response and advocates for the improvement of policies and legislation affecting conflict-affected people. It also engages in capacity building and provides guidance on mainstreaming protection into all humanitarian response activities. This is the Protection snapshot for Ukraine for the period 6 - 9 March 2022, compiled by Protection Cluster Ukraine.

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Ukraine,

This report is produced by OCHA Ukraine in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers the period from 3 p.m. (EET) 7 March to 3 p.m. (EET) 8 March

Global Protection Cluster,

In the current protection crisis unfolding in Ukraine, humanitarian actors must pay particular attention to those who are most at risk of threats to safety and rights violations – including women, children, older people, and people who are blind and/or deaf, persons with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities, those who have mobility limitations, and persons with high support needs. In this brief, the Global Protection Cluster calls on all parties to the conflict and humanitarian actors to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in Ukraine.

Global Protection Cluster,

The following messages reflect priority protection issues and gaps in Ukraine, based on monitoring and analysis conducted by the Ukraine Protection Cluster and its regular Protection Snapshots. Additional contributions were made by the Global Protection Cluster’s Advocacy and Human Rights Engagement Task Teams. This document will be adapted while reflecting rapidly developing protection risks.


Joint statement by UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi.

Protection Cluster Ukraine,

The Protection Cluster coordinates the protection response and advocates for the improvement of policies and legislation affecting conflict-affected people. It also engages in capacity building and provides guidance on mainstreaming protection into all humanitarian response activities. This is the Protection snapshot for Ukraine for the period 2 - 5 March 2022, compiled by Protection Cluster Ukraine. The Protection Cluster is led by UNHCR and includes Child Protection (led by UNICEF), GBV (led by UNFPA) and Mine Action (led by UNDP) Sub Clusters.

European Commission,

Communication from the Commission on Operational guidelines for the implementation of Council implementing Decision 2022/382 establishing the existence of a mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive 2001/55/EC, and having the effect of introducing temporary protection 2022/C 126 I/01.

Changing the Way We Care,

Цей документ створено для постачальників послуг, які працюють з дітьми, сім'ями та дітьми, що залишились без батьківської турботи, враховуючи поточну гуманітарну ситуацію в Україні та сусідніх країнах.