In this video, Grace Mwangi takes a critical look at the social work approach to the prevention of child abandonment, and the impact different approaches can have on outcomes for women and their children.
In this video, Peter Kamau from Child in Family Focus discusses his organisation’s approach to engaging with the directors of privately-run charitable children’s institutions (CCI’s) to secure their buy-in for transition and the reintegration of children into families, in line with government policy.
This resource is designed to help professionals and carers understand the latest neuroscience research on childhood abuse and neglect, with insights and advice from clinicians, teachers, and social workers on how to put your learning into practice.
In this three-minute video, a group of self-advocates from Moldova share their insights on the impacts of COVID-19 on child protection and how to prevent violations of children's protection rights.
Co-sponsored by Bread for the World, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs and 1,000 Days, this webinar heard first-hand accounts from a doctor on the front lines; from a researcher who is a core member of the Standing Together for Nutrition coalition and studying program adaptations in the context of the pandemic; and from a storyteller who shared best practices (and turnkey resources) to bring these stories to life to inspire leaders to act.
This launch webinar provided an introduction to the Transitioning Models of Care Assessment Tool, an assessment framework that assists practitioners to identify and analyze key starting point dynamics and determine the implications for strategy in supporting organisations to transition from an institutional to non-institutional model of care.
The Better Care Network, ACC International Relief and Changing the Way We Care are delighted to invite practitioners, advocates and organisations who promote and support residential care service transitions to the launch webinar of the Transitioning Care Assessment Tool.

This webinar builds up on the results of the research More Autonomy, More Rights (2020) Coordinated by CSO Doncel, in the representation of the Latin American Network of Care Leavers and supported by UNICEF LACRO and Hope and Homes for Children.

This global consultation survey has been designed to understand children’s experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and their views on how they wish to get involved. Children aged between 8 and 17 years old are invited to participate in the survey until 31st July.
In this How We Care series webinar, Family for Every Child members CPTCSA (Philippines), Paicabi (Chile) and Butterflies (India) come together to discuss the work they are doing to address child sexual abuse in their contexts.