
Displaying 5441 - 5450 of 14440

Alina Botezat & Friedhelm Pfeiffer - Population, Space and Place,

This paper examines the causal effects of parents' migration on the education, physical, and mental health of left‐behind children aged 11 to 15 years in Romania, a country where increasingly more children have parents working abroad.

Up/Root Podcast,

This episode of the podcast Up/Root features interviews with Stephen Ucembe and Ruth Wacuka who both grew up in "orphanages," despite having parents. They share what it was like to grow up in an institution and what they are doing to help end orphanage tourism - and how listeners can join them in their pursuit of justice for families and children.

SOS Children's Villages International,

En conmemoración del décimo aniversario de la adopción de las Directrices sobre las modalidades alternativas de cuidado de los niños, este folleto de Aldeas Infantiles SOS Internacional informa a los niños, niñas y jóvenes sobre su derecho a vivir en un entorno familiar de acuerdo con las Directrices.

SOS Children's Villages International,

Marking the 10th anniversary of the adoption of Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, this booklet from SOS Children's Villages International informs children and young people about their right to live in a supportive family environment in accordance with the Guidelines.

SOS Children's Villages International,

Marking the 10th anniversary of the adoption of Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, this booklet from SOS Children's Villages International informs children and young people about their right to live in a supportive family environment in accordance with the Guidelines.

J Racaite, G Surkiene, M Jakubauskiene, R Sketerskiene, L Wulkau - European Journal of Public Health,

The aim of this study was to systematically review studies where the physical health consequences for children left behind (CLB) were analysed.

Hilma Forsman - Department of Social Work, Stockholm University,

The thesis consists of four interrelated empirical studies that address different aspects of poor educational outcomes among children with out-of-home care (OHC) experience by means of analyses of longitudinal survey and register data, and evaluations of two interventions aimed at improving their basic academic skills.

Ali Caliendo - The Chronicle of Social Change,

In this opinion piece for the Chronicle of Social Change, Dr. Ali Caliendo (the executive director of Foster Kinship, a nonprofit organization devoted to the support of kinship families in the U.S. state of Nevada) outlines her recommendations for child welfare systems to improve outcomes for children by adopting best practices in supporting kinship families.

Save the Children,

Family Care First (FCF) | REACT is recruiting a Communication Specialist who will be responsible for the implementation of the network's communication strategy.

Darius Leskauskas, Virginija Adomaitienė, Giedrė Šeškevičienė, Eglė Čėsnaitė, Kastytis Šmigelskas - Child Indicators Research,

The purpose of this study was to assess the possible impact of parents’ migration on emotional and behavioral problems of their left-behind children.