
Displaying 11201 - 11210 of 14449

Jude Kirton-Darling - The Huffington Post Blog,

This article provides a brief overview of adoption policies in the UK since the 2000s, including the “introduction of the English Adoption and Children Act, passed in 2002, that placed the rights of the child front and centre of the English legal approach to child protection and brought English adoption practices in line with international legislation.” 

International Foster Care Organisation ,

The 18th Biennial International Foster Care Conference “Tell Someone Who Cares,” hosted by the International Foster Care Organisation (IFCO), will take place in Sydney, Australia.

Betancourt TS, Zuilkowski SS, Ravichandran A, Einhorn H, Arora N, Bhattacharya Chakravarty A, et al.,

This study in India sought to develop the SAFE Checklist in order to assess site-level threats to child protection among children and families living in settings of adversity. The tool was field tested in two diverse sites in India (a construction site and a railway station) and the results demonstrated that the SAFE Checklist is a sensitive tool that captured the differences between the two sites from the standpoint of core child protection issues. 

The National Academy of Science,

On July 27–29, 2015, the Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally, in partnership with the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, held a workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to examine topics related to supporting family and community investments in young children globally. 

UNICEF Guinea,

Pour les enfants de Guinée dont un des parents, ou même parfois les deux, ont succombé au virus Ebola, jeux et activités de groupe offrent un moyen de se joindre à des enfants de leur âge et de retrouver un moment de bonheur. 

UNICEF Centre de presse,

Pour les enfants de Guinée dont un des parents, ou même parfois les deux, ont succombé au virus Ebola, jeux et activités de groupe offrent un moyen de se joindre à des enfants de leur âge et de retrouver un moment de bonheur. 

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD),

The OVCMIS is one of the key instruments for effecting implementation of the National Strategic Programme Plan of Interventions for orphans and other vulnerable children (NSPPI).


This literature review explores current international and selected national policy on independent living arrangements and examines the evidence of good practice from existing independent living programmes for care leavers in order to assess how both of the above can be applied to street-connected children.

Frank Noij and Chitrapon Vanaspong - Department of Children and Youth, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and UNICEF Thailand,

The present evaluation examines the National Child and Youth Development Plan, which provides a framework for the development of children and youth in Thailand. The evaluation aimed to review the design and implementation of the NCYDP and to generate lessons in order to improve the operation of the current plan and to inform the development of a follow-up plan for the period beyond 2016.

Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection - Republic of Ghana,

The National Social Protection Policy of Ghana provides a framework for delivering social protection coherently, effectively and efficiently in a way that is holistic and properly targeted.