
Displaying 11371 - 11380 of 14440

Karine Dubois-Comtois, Annie Bernier, George M. Tarabulsy, Chantal Cyr, Diane St-Laurent, Anne-Sophie Lanctôt, Janie St-Onge, Ellen Moss, Marie-Julie Béliveau - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study investigated different environmental and contextual factors associated with maltreated children's adjustment in foster care in Quebec, Canada.


The purpose of this Request for Proposal for Services (RFPS) is to select and contract a service provider (SP) to research and design a compelling, evidence-based communication and advocacy strategy to mobilize greater and more sustained commitment from major decision-makers on the value of investing in community-based services in order to accelerate childcare system reforms across Europe and Central Asia.


Marinus H. IJzendoorn van, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg and Stephen Scott - Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,

This chapter from the book 'Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry' focuses on foster care and residential care practices around the world and the benefits and challenges of supporting foster care interventions, transitioning away from the use of institutional care.

Shihning Chou, Kevin D. Browne - Child Abuse Review,

This study investigates the correlation over time between international adoption and institutional care.

Parenting in Africa Network,

PAN is embarking on an evaluation on the efficacy of Group Triple P methodology as a parenting training approach, in the African context. PAN is looking for consultants with the capacity to undertake the entire evaluation.

Jesko Johannsen - DW,

Ces enfants sont témoins de la violence. Les explosions, les tirs et la mort sont leur quotidien. C'est pourquoi, l'UNICEF a mis en place 28 centres pour les enfants dans la capitale burundaise.

Child Protection Working Group (CPWG),

The purpose of this consultancy is to continue the smooth running of the established Help Desk within the global level CPWG team to provide field based coordinators of child protection with technical assistance, mentoring, training and knowledge management services.

Opening Doors for Europe’s Children,

This post from Opening Doors for Europe’s Children features statements regarding the impact of Greece’s debt crisis on children from Mary Theodoropoulou, the coordinator of Opening Doors for Europe’s Children in Greece and chair of the Roots Research Centre, an Athens-based organisation that works on reforming alternative care for children.

Tracy Sherlock and Lori Culbert - Vancouver Sun,

This article shares the stories of adoptive families in British Columbia, Canada who have entered into “open adoptions,” meaning the adopted children and their adoptive parents maintain contact with the children’s biological parents.

Vivian Yee - New York Times,

This article from the New York Times, recounts several stories of children in foster care in New York City, and the ways in which the foster care system has failed them.