
Displaying 11991 - 12000 of 14438

Nadine M. Finigan-Carr, Kantahyanee W. Murray, Julia M. O'Connor, Berenice R. Rushovich, Desyree A. Dixon & Richard P. Barth - Social Work in Public Health,

This article assesses the evidence-based programs that are most likely to improve key health and well-being outcomes for teenage mothers in the United States and yields a list that reflects the best evidence for efficacy and effectiveness.

Tess Purling and Nadia Colbourn - CQUniversity,

Two Digital Media students at CQUniversity, a university in Queensland Australia, created an animated video which encourages people to register to become foster or kinship care to children in Queensland.

Better Care Network,

The Committee considered the combined second to fourth periodic reports of Fiji (CRC/C/FJI/2-4) at its 1909th and 1910th meetings (see CRC/C/SR.1909 and 1910), held on 4 and 5 September 2014, and adopted, at its 1929th meeting, held on 19 September 2014, the following concluding observations.

Wai-Ying Chow, Jennifer E. Mettrick MHS, Sharon H. Stephan, Christina A. Von Waldner ,

This paper presents the findings of an exploratory research study of foster care youth residing in group homes in a mid-Atlantic state in the USA.

Camilla Jones, Trish Hiddleston, and Christine McCormick,

This article details the introduction of a livelihood project for unaccompanied children in the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya, which aimed at strengthening the household economy of foster families and improving the care of fostered children. 

Amy Fallon, The Guardian,

Family distraught at losing contact with son, now living 8,000 miles away in US after adopters told he was abandoned

Al Jazeera English,

This video investigates a children’s care home in Japan, one of about 600 such institutions in the country. 

Rae Ellen Bichell ,

This article discusses the complex consequences Ebola-orphaned children face, particularly the stigma they experience. It describes the challenges social workers face to reunite children with their families


Three former orphans with severe disabilities attempt to make the grueling ascent to Africa’s highest peak to help Russian orphanages. Their Journey is documented in a new RT documentary.

On the 24th September  Better Care Network and the CPC Learning Network organized a one day symposium entitled The State of the Evidence on Children’s Care at McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, New York University.