
Displaying 12371 - 12380 of 14435

Government of Republic of Moldova,

Law No. 140 on the special protection of children at risk and of children separated from their parents entered into force on 1 January 2014.

Helen Connolly,

There is limited information in the child welfare literature on the circumstances and needs of unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee children living in the United Kingdom. This article provides insight into the experiences and feelings of these young people by reporting the findings from a narrative-based research project involving 29 unaccompanied asylum-seeking children age 12 to 21 from a variety of African and Asian countries, with the goal of exploring how these children perceived their rights while in private foster care in the UK. 

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,

This report, authored by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, calls for a global strategy to prevent the detention of asylum-seekers and refugees in countries around the world, with an initial focus 10+ "focus countries." Among the Strategy's three main goals is the call to end detention of children, which requires a new legal and policy framework, the implementation of the "best interests" principle, alternative and appropriate reception and care arrangements for children (including foster care), and the provision of age-appropriate information to the child.

Service Social international ,

Une immersion au sein du Réseau Afrique de l'Ouest (RAO)  pour la protection des enfants en Afrique de l'Ouest). Ce réseau prend en charge individuellement les enfants vulnérables entre les 15 pays de la sous-région pour les réintégrer socialement et professionnellement.


This issue brief from the UNHCR highlights key messages from UNHCR in regards to alternative care, including the importance of making alternative care arrangements based on the best interests of the child and using residential or institutional care only as a very last resort. 

Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India,

The Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) of India outlines, and contributes to the implementation of, the Government’s responsibility to establish an effective and efficient child protection system. 

Vicki Welch, Jennifer Lerpiniere, Sue Sadler, Emma Young - CELCIS,

This document is the first report from a study commissioned by Barnardo’s Scotland. The study explores experiences, needs and outcomes for children and young people in Scotland who are (or have been) looked after at home (ie subject to a home supervision requirement or order). 

World Vision & Child Frontiers,

World Vision is publishing this paper to inform current strategic discussions which seek to ensure that ending violence against children (VAC) remains on the post 2015 global development agenda.

Frédérique Boursin - Terre des Hommes,

A l’heure actuelle, Tdh ayant surtout expérimenté et valorisé cette approche pour l’accompagnement des enfants en situation de mobilité, le présent document fait un focus sur cette catégorie d’enfants, et de manière plus spécifique dans un contexte de migration de travail, l’une des causes principales de la mobilité des enfants en Afrique de l’ouest.

Embassy of the United States in Nepal, United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor,

This report, published by the US Embassy in Nepal, includes a segment on human rights issues related to orphanage voluntourism and donors, child abuse in child care homes, and a lack of Government regulation of institutions.