
Displaying 1601 - 1610 of 14429

Davara L Bennett, Daniela K. Schlüter, Gabriella Melis, Paul Bywaters, Alex Alexio, Ben Barr, Sophie Wickham, David Taylor-Robinson,

Children in care face adverse health outcomes throughout their life course compared with their peers. In England, over the past decade, the stark rise in the number of cared-for children has coincided with rising child poverty, a key risk factor for children entering care. The authors aimed to assess the contribution of recent trends in child poverty to trends in care entry.

Catholic Relief Services,

Це керівництво складено таким чином, щоб забезпечити базове розуміння того, як надавати першу психологічну допомогу в умовах надзвичайного стану. Воно засноване на Керівництві Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров'я з надання першої психологічної допомоги для працівників, які працюють на місці (2011), та було адаптоване спеціально для надання допомоги біженцям з України в умовах Молдови.

USAID Youth Excel,

The USAID Youth Excel: Our Knowledge, Leading Change program is conducting a global grant competition for local, youth-led organizations in celebration of the USAID Youth in Development Policy Launch. 

Mark Townsend - The Guardian,

The UK Home Office has been accused of attempting to deport unaccompanied 16-year-olds to Rwanda in the first wave of asylum seekers to be sent to east Africa later this month. Charities have identified what they describe as a “worrying pattern” of children being classed as adults by Home Office age assessments, raising fears they could be among those deported 4,500 miles to Rwanda.

Anna W. Wright, Joana Salifu Yendork, Wendy Kliewer ,

Institutional childcare is associated with developmental delays and setbacks. Since alternative options are not always available, it is important to investigate youth in institutional settings to evaluate how to provide optimal care.

Tsvetelia Tsolova - Reuters,

More than 100,000 Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children, have fled to Bulgaria since the start of the war. The government placed around 60,000 refugees at beach-front resorts during the low season at places such as the Melia Sunny Beach hotel. Its manager, Hristo Karailiev, said it had housed around 2,500 Ukrainians at one point.

Anthony Deutsch, Stephanie van den Berg - Reuters,

Prosecutors investigating war crimes cases in Ukraine are examining allegations of the forcible deportation of children to Russia since the invasion as they seek to build a genocide indictment, the country’s top prosecutor said in an interview.

G David Batty, Mika Kivimäki, Philipp Frank,

Removal from family of origin to state care can be a highly challenging childhood experience and is itself linked to an array of unfavourable outcomes in adult life. This systematic review which included Canada, the US, western Europe, and Australia, aimed to synthetise evidence on the risk of adult mortality in people with a history of state care in early life, and assess the association according to different contexts. 

Ashley Quinn, Barbara Fallon, Nicolette Joh-Carnella, Marie Saint-Girons,

This paper found that there was marked overrepresentation of First Nations children in the child welfare system in Ontario, Canada. These children were three times as likely to be investigated as white children and more likely to be placed when controlling for investigation concerns. The paper concluded that recent policy changes have not brought change to this overrepresentation.

Kostan Nechyporenko, Bex Wright - CNN,

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Russia of pursuing a “consistent criminal policy of deporting our people” into mostly remote areas of Russia. During his daily address on Wednesday, 2 June 2022, Zelensky said more than 200,000 children have been deported so far.