
Displaying 2851 - 2860 of 14432

Committee on the Investigation of Intercountry Adoption, Government of the Netherlands,

This report presents the results of an independent investigation into abuses in intercountry adoption in the Netherlands during the period 1967-1998, and the role of the Dutch government in this regard.

ChildFund Alliance, Eurochild, Save The Children, UNICEF, World Vision,

The perspectives and priorities of more than 10,000 children and young people, from within and outside the European Union (EU), are expressed powerfully throughout this report.

Dr. Mark S. Preston - Preston Management and Organizational Consulting,

This qualitative evaluation was to determine the level of fidelity of Clark County Nevada’s Foster Kinship navigator program to its navigator program manual and to ascertain if Foster Kinship’s navigator program for formal kinship families met the minimum standard for promising practice.

Kristy Hackett, Kerrie Proulx, Carina Omoeva - FHI360 and Lego Foundation,

This Case Study Report, prepared in partnership with World Health Organization (WHO) and the LEGO Foundation, describes the implementation experiences and emerging lessons of COVID-19 response strategies of seven programmes that prioritize nurturing care and early childhood development (ECD) in their work.

Kerrie Proulx, Rachel Lenzi-Weisbecker, Rachel Hatch, Kristy Hackett, and Carina Omoeva - FHI 360 and Lego Foundation,

This rapid review takes stock of emerging research on nurturing care for young children during the COVID-19 crisis.

Melody Ziile, Gistered Muleya and Francis Simui - International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS),

This study explored Orphans Rights in accessing the educational support in selected public secondary schools in Lusaka district.

Ghana Department of Social Welfare and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF),

This report, produced by the Department of Social Welfare and Ghana Statistical Service with UNICEF support, provides an overview of the main findings from a census of residential care facilities in Ghana, an enumeration of the child population in these facilities, and a survey on a representative sample of such population.

Gwendolyn Burchell - UAFA,

This paper will address one of the most challenging problems in development work which is commonly referred to as the ‘silo mentality’. In this case, this mentality affects how services for typical children are planned and implemented without including the needs of children with disabilities from the first planning step. Strategies are proposed that can help to bridge this gap.

Association for Alternative Family Care of Children, in collaboration with the National Council for Children Services and Department of Children’s Services,

This booklet emphasizes the importance of family based care for the care of orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) in Kenya, provides answers to regularly asked questions, and lists current government efforts to support OVC, including the policy and legal frameworks and existing forms of family and community-based care.

Professor David Greatbatch and Sue Tate - Department for Education,

The Department launched a consultation on the use of independent and semi-independent children's care settings that are not required to register with Ofsted (unregulated provision) as a matter of urgency, ahead of the Government’s anticipated wider care review. This report presents the key findings from an independent analysis of responses to the consultation.