
Displaying 5971 - 5980 of 14471

Laura L Cook - Qualitative Social Work,

This article focuses on professional storytelling among child welfare social workers. It examines how social workers construct their professional role through team talk and the implications of this for our understanding of professional resilience and defensiveness.

Simon Njoroge - The Elephant,

"While all the focus has been on [recent headlines in Kenya] and the ensuing drama," writes Simon Njoroge in this piece for the Elephant, "a more profound discourse concerning the suitability of the orphanage as a model of care and protection of children has been ongoing for some years among policymakers, practitioners and childcare advocates."

BBC News,

A former orphanage owner in China, once nicknamed "Love Mother," has been sentenced to 20 years in jail for extortion, fraud, forgery and disturbing social order, according to this article from BBC News. 

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child is hosting an online event on Thursday 25 July 2019 at 15:00 UK time to discuss their latest research on what effective care looks like and the meaning of family.

Sarah de Vos, Bep van Sloten, Mathijs Euwema - Save the Children & International Child Development Initiatives,

The aim of this report from Save the Children is to provide policymakers, service-providing organizations and child protection practitioners and child rights advocates with an easy to use reference document, to augment the implementation of support programmes for children and families in vulnerable circumstances.

Laura Orlando, Susan Barkan, Kathryn Brennan - Children and Youth Services Review,

In this paper, the authors describe a process used to inform the development of a parenting intervention that would have high relevance to child welfare involved parents and could then work towards proving its effectiveness.

Mary I. Armstrong, Melissa Hope Johnson, John Robst, Areana Cruz, Monica Landers, Amy Vargo - International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice,

This article compares and contrasts the services needed by families in child welfare systems with the services that families receive.

Mary Elizabeth Rauktis, Margarida Rangel Henriques, Maria Acciaiuoli Barbosa‐Ducharne, Orlanda Cruz, Marina S. Lemos, Julia Lee - International Journal of Social Welfare,

This article describes the process of revising a measure of out‐of‐home living restrictiveness to be culturally congruent for Portugal, providing preliminary data on validity and reliability, and discusses the feasibility of using this measure in Portugal.

Richard Adams - The Guardian,

"Scotland’s universities are to offer guaranteed undergraduate places to students who have been in care at any point in their lives as part of a groundbreaking effort to increase the number from that demographic doing a degree," according to this article from the Guardian.

Catherine E. Draper, Steven J. Howard, Tamsen J. Rochat - Child: Care, Health and Development,

The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and acceptability of a home‐based intervention—Amagugu Asakhula—to promote nurturing interactions and healthy behaviours with the caregivers of preschool children.