
Displaying 6351 - 6360 of 14477

Vanessa Steinmetz and Maria Feck - Spiegel Online,

This article from Spiegel Online explains how orphanages in Cambodia often exploit children, recruiting them as "tourist attractions" for visitors.

Gbenga Omokhunu - The Nation,

"Amid concerns that orphanage operators are getting up to unwholesome practices with their charges, the authorities have removed 19 inmates of a child-care facility in [ Abuja]," according to this article from the Nation. 

Nikita K. Schoemaker, Wilma G. M. Wentholt, Anouk Goemans, Harriet J. Vermeer, Femmie Juffer and Lenneke R. A. Alink - Development and Psychopathology,

In the current study, a series of eight meta-analyses were performed to examine the effectiveness of intervention programs to help foster and adoptive parents to overcome challenges on four parent outcomes, three child outcomes, and placement disruption.

Hayley Alderson, Rebecca Brown, Debbie Smart, Raghu Lingam, Gail Dovey‐Pearce - Health Expectations,

This open access paper reports on experiences and reflections of a group of children and young people and academic researchers who developed a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group that was set up in the context of an ongoing health service intervention trial with Looked after children and care leavers (denoted as LAC).

Wan-Yu Chiu & Helen Charnley - International Social Work,

This article examines the tension between the rhetoric of children’s rights and the realities of residential care for children in Taiwan.

Judith A. Cohen & Anthony P. Mannarino - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This article describes current applications of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) for Childhood Traumatic Separation.

Ebenezer Cudjoe, Alhassan Abdullah, Marcus Y. L. Chiu - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study reports on a qualitative investigation involving 15 young kinship care alumni in Ghana to explore what kinship caregivers' unpreparedness means and what causes them to be unprepared.

Manuel Bojorquez - CBS News,

This article, and accompanying video, tells the story of Jose Alvizures and his son who were separated upon arriving to the United States from Guatemala and were kept apart for 324 days.

Udayan Care,

ICEB is an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal on Alternative Care for out-of-home-care (OHC) children and young persons, focused on the South Asia region. The journal invites you to participate in its call for paper for their September 2019 Special Edition issue on the topic 'Caregivers'.

Montserrat Fargas Malet, Dominic Mc Sherry - Paper presented at 9th European Conference for Social Work Research,

The Care Pathways and Outcomes Study is a longitudinal study following 374 children who were in care and under five years old on 31/3/2000 in Northern Ireland. The study followed where the young people ended up living, whether they returned to their birth parents, went into kinship or non-relative foster care, or were adopted.