
Displaying 6881 - 6890 of 14477

Cvetelina Berberova-Valcheva - Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”,

The purpose of this article is to examine the current well-being of the population of Bulgaria and to put emphasis on negative trends, including the abandonment of children due to poverty or other causes.

John Ringson - Child Abuse Research in South Africa,

This phenomenological qualitative study seeks to examine the impact of child rights cultural contestation in supporting OVC in Zimbabwe. The study focuses on the lived experiences, perceptions, feelings and views of OVC and care-givers in the Gutu District of Zimbabwe.

Harvard Center on the Developing Child,

Esta guía breve del Harvard Center on the Developing Child presenta 5 pasos para cuidadores practicar “saque y volea” con su niño/a.

The Harvard Center on the Developing Child,

This brief guide from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child outlines 5 steps for primary caregivers to practice serve and return with their child.

Kwabena Frimpong-Manso, Antoine Deliege, Theresa Wilson and Yvonne Norman - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

The paper describes the findings of a geographical mapping and analysis of residential care facilities in four regions of Ghana.

Laura Horvath, Mohamed Nabieu and Melody Curtiss - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

This paper from the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care outlines the Child Rescue Centre's process of transitioning from residential care to family-based care in Sierra Leone.

Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V,

This report from the German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V., DJI) assesses the adoption system in the Netherlands.

Courtney Lewis - Alaska Law Review,

This article argues that the US state of Alaska should enact a state statute to provide clear guidance to state child welfare practitioners and state courts that Alaska’s state government recognizes an Indian custodianship created through Tribal law or custom as a pathway for Indian children to exit the overburdened state foster care system.

Erin Raffety - Disability Studies Quarterly,

This open access article explores three related phenomena: first, the abandonment and institutionalization of children with disabilities in China that increased disproportionately in the 2000s; second, the important relationships between such abandonments, culture, economics, and politics in contemporary China; and third, the relationship between such abandonments, the increasing rates at which Chinese orphans with disabilities are being adopted to Western countries through Inter-country Adoption (ICA), and the global politics of ICA and disability.

Together for Girls,

The Lesotho VACS Fact Sheet provides country-specific data on sexual and physical violence against children in Lesotho.