
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 15.33 million
  • Population under 15: 32%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 72 years
  • Human Development Index: 143 out of 188
  • World Bank Status: Low income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 0.6%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.6 members
  • Female-Headed Households: 27%
  • Early Marriage (% of children married by 18 years): 19%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF,UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2014

Displaying 7111 - 7120 of 14393

Ana-Maria Bolborici - Editura Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov,

This paper presents and analyzes the situation of migrant children and unaccompanied minors in the EU.

UK Department for Education,

This guidance from the UK's Department for Education presents a framework to help social care and criminal justice agencies keep looked-after children out of the criminal justice system.

Brand, S.L., Morgan, F., Stabler, L., Weightman, A.L., Willis, S., Searchfeld, L., Meindl, M., Wood, S., Nurmatov, U., Kemp, A., Turley, R., Scourfeld, J., Forrester, D., Evans, R - What Works Centre for Children’s Social Care,

This study is a scoping review to explore what research evidence exists about what works in safely reducing the number of children and young people in care.

Lanyan Ding - The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska,

This research examined the relationships among family structure (leftbehind status), caregiving, and child depression using archival data from the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) in both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses.

Claudia Bernard - The British Journal of Social Work,

Using the findings from a qualitative study, this paper explores social workers’ experiences of intervening in affluent families in the UK when there are child protection concerns.

Kārlis Lakševics, Artūrs Pokšāns and Kristians Zalāns - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

Using the data from a a nationwide evaluation of accessibility of employment and education in Latvia, the authors of this paper argue that due to the fragmented implementation of deinstitutionalisation (DI) and lack of a child centred approach throughout the education sector, despite educators firmly believing they are acting in the best interests of children, current practices of care contribute to the creation of ‘inclusive exclusion’

Nguyen Ba Dat, Nguyen Van Luot, Nguyen Ha Thanh - Open Journal of Social Sciences,

Based on attachment theory, this study was conducted to analyze the contact between these children and their biological parents, and the factors affecting this contact.

Collings, Susan; Neil, Elsbeth and Wright, Amy Conley - Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education,

This article explores casework practices developed for use in child welfare placements that may be successfully applied to New South Wales to help build the practical skills needed to facilitate openness, empathy and respectful interactions between children in permanent care and their birth families.

Anisa Mahmoudi & Tshegofatso Tracy Mothapo - Kids Empowerment ,

This report from Kids Empowerment reviews the reception of children on the move in South Africa.

Lindsay G. Terrell, Asheley C. Skinner, Aditee P. Narayan - Pediatrics,

The aim of this study was to improve the mean time to initial foster care evaluation (TIE) from 32 to <7 days within 12 months for children in FC in Durham County, North Carolina.