
Displaying 10471 - 10480 of 14401

Justin Rogers - Youth Divide and Youth Inclusion,

This paper presents findings from a doctoral project that explored the experiences of young people growing up in foster care in the United Kingdom.

Nicholas Kristof - New York Times,

This Op-Ed piece from the New York Times offers harsh criticism of the U.S. and Mexican policy that sends young refugees back to the communities they are risking their lives to escape.

Morgan Meaker - BBC News,

This article from the BBC shares the stories of children in Greece who have been removed from their families and are being held at hospitals for months at a time.

RISE Learning Network,

The purpose of this community of learning is to strengthen awareness and capacities of organisations on M&E of reintegration, to be able to monitor children’s and adolescents’ well-being to inform organisational programming and policy making. 

Jennifer M. Katzenstein, Brenna LeJeune & Kathy E. Johnson - Adoption Quarterly,

The present study focused on whether parenting and family factors explain variance in cognitive and linguistic catch-up in children adopted internationally.

Richard Alcock - The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian shares the story of Ilona, a young woman who immigrated to the UK from Hungary. and placed her baby for adoption in the UK. The article explains how cases like these have grown in recent years and how they will be affected by the UK's departure from the EU.

Women’s Link Worldwide ,

This report by Women’s Link Worldwide tells the stories of twelve women who fled the bombings and violence in Syria only to end up trapped in Piraeus, Greece, deprived of their most basic rights.


 This article discusses the US Ambassador's visit to an Armenian orphanage, Armenia’s goal to deinstitutionalize children and research from UNICEF indicating that 97% of children in Armenian orphanages come from vulnerable families and have at least one living parent.

April Dinwoodie - The Chronicle of Social Change,

In the article, the author argues that more openness in foster care arrangements is beneficial to children’s wellbeing as well as to their foster and biological families.

CPC Learning Network,

The CPC Learning Network held its biennial meeting, Evolving Methods for an Expanding Field: Global Research with Children and Families in Adversity, on 21 and 22 June 2016. The meeting aimed at presenting innovative research on international child protection and family welfare and identifying key knowledge gaps and ways to collaborate to fill those gaps.