
Displaying 10491 - 10500 of 14401

M. Àngels Balsells, Nuria Fuentes-Peláez, Maribel Mateo, J. M. Torralba & Verónica Violant - European Journal of Social Work,

This research addresses the need to go deeper into the acquisition and consolidation of the core professional competences for running socio-educational groups with foster families.

Anna Bressanin - BBC News,

This six-part video series from the BBC highlights the discrimination and challenges that poor women of color face in the child welfare system in New York City. 

United Nations Information Centre, Canberra,

The Government of Nauru has introduced a new Child Protection and Welfare Act which has been welcomed by UNICEF for “bringing Nauru into alignment with many international standards.”

National Academy of Medicine,

This paper from the U.S. National Academy of Medicine argues the importance of investment in early childhood development and serves as a call to action “to close the gap between what is known and what is done to support the development of children globally and, in turn, sustainable progress for communities and nations.”

Jennifer A. Silvers, Daniel S. Lumian, Laurel Gabard-Durnam, Dylan G. Gee, Bonnie Goff, Dominic S. Fareri, Christina Caldera, Jessica Flannery, Eva H. Telzer, Kathryn L. Humphreys, and Nim Tottenham - The Journal of Neuroscience,

This study examines the effects of early institutional care on infants' brain development.

Larissa Kojoué - Children and Young People Living with HIV/AIDS, Part of the series Cross-Cultural Research in Health, Illness and Well-Being ,

Based on an in-depth analysis of Cameroonian policies for care and support to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), this chapter will show that despite the inclusion of this issue as a strategic priority in fighting against AIDS, Cameroonian authorities are non-significant managers.

Nataly Woollett - Children and Young People Living with HIV/AIDS, Part of the series Cross-Cultural Research in Health, Illness and Well-Being,

This study analyzes the experiences of adolescents living with HIV or AIDS.

Md Shahidul Islam, John Scott, Victor Minichiello - Children and Young People Living with HIV/AIDS, Part of the series Cross-Cultural Research in Health, Illness and Well-Being,

This study reports on children’s experiences of living with HIV-positive parents within the family context of Bangladesh. 

Yafit Sulimani-Aidan - The British Journal of Social Work,

 This paper aims to address the role of future expectations among young people leaving care in the context of resilience theory and emerging adulthood theory.

Choong Rai Nho, Seokjin Woo, Hyunah Kang, JongSerl Chun and Ick-Joong Chung - Asian Social Work and Policy Review,

Using unique 5-year longitudinal data on Korean children in group homes and those under institutional care, this paper compared the medium-term cost-effectiveness of group homes and that of institutional care facilities in terms of developmental outcomes.