
Displaying 4681 - 4690 of 14391

María Verónica Jimeno, Jose Miguel Latorre, María José Cantero - Journal of Interpersonal Violence,

In this study, autobiographical memory tests, working memory, and a depressive symptom assessment were administered to 48 adolescents in care with a history of maltreatment (22 abused and 26 neglected) without mental disorder, who had been removed from their family and were living in residential child care, and to 61 adolescents nonmaltreated who had never been placed in care.

Bhanu Williams, Mary Boullier, Zoe Cricks, Allison Ward, Ronelle Naidoo, Amanda Williams, Kim Robinson, Sarah Eisen, Jonathan Cohen - Archives of Disease in Childhood,

The authors of this study aimed to evaluate a screening programme for infection in unaccompanied asylum seeking children and young people against national guidance and to describe the rates of identified infection in the cohort.

Amy Armstrong-Heimsoth, Molly Hahn-Floyd, Heather J. Williamson, Jonathan M. Kurka, Wonsuk Yoo & Sue A. Rodríguez De Jesús - The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research,

In this pilot study, sixteen youth between ages 18 and 20 participated in semi-structured interviews, support mapping, and resiliency measurements to gather the experiences of the transition from foster care.

Fiona Mercer, Chris Darbyshire, Janet Finlayson, Martin Kettle, Adele Dickson - Child & Family Social Work,

There is limited understanding related to the role of community‐based centres in reducing social exclusion and isolation, so the aim of this research was to explore the role one family centre had in improving social inclusion in a deprived community in Glasgow, Scotland.

Nathanael J. Okpych, Sunggeun (Ethan) Park, A. M. Samiya Sayed, Mark E. Courtney - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study draws on data from the [STUDY] and the National Student Clearinghouse to examine the roles that Education and Training Vouchers (ETVs) and campus support programs (CSPs) play in promoting college persistence for foster youth.

Suzanna Smith, Martie Gillen, Jasmine Brito, Farah Khan, Robin Lewy, Fran Ricardo & Laura J. Ramirez Diaz - Journal of Human Rights and Social Work,

This article discusses the implications of the influx of parents into the child welfare system for welfare authorities, using the U.S. state of Florida as an example.

Ringson, John and Chereni, Admire - African Journal of Social Work,

This paper examines the efficacy of extended family system in OVC care and support in the Gutu District of Zimbabwe.

Kurevakwesu, Wilberforce and Chizasa, Simbarashe - African Journal of Social Work,

The authors of this article contend that the government of Zimbabwe adopted traditional practices of child welfare in its National Orphan Care Policy, yet it did not also bring the apparatus (Ubuntu) which made the traditional practices successful in traditional society.

Hanita Kosher & Asher Ben-Arieh - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This article discusses the interaction between protection of maltreated children and their participation. Five aspects of child participation in the field of child maltreatment will be presented: children's participation in the definition of child maltreatment phenomena; children's participation in measuring the prevalence of child maltreatment; children's participation in clinical assessments; children's participation in in the decision-making process in child protection system; and children's participation in the efforts to prevent child maltreatment.

Tom Phillips and Clavel Rangel - The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian shines a light on the "nearly one million 'left-behind' Venezuelan children whose parents have been forced to migrate, leaving their offspring in the care of grandparents, aunts, siblings, neighbours or sometimes even completely alone."