
Displaying 6731 - 6740 of 14391

Sabrina Göbel, Annabell Hansmeyer, Marei Lunz, Ulla Peters - Social Work & Society,

In this article, the authors examine the experiences of transitions to work and the associated challenges for the agency of young people leaving residential care institutions in Luxembourg.

Elsbeth Neil, Lisanne Gitsels, June Thoburn - Child & Family Social Work,

This study used 8 years of administrative data (on 2,208 care entrants), collected by one large English local authority, to examine how many children were returned home and to explore factors associated with stable reunification (not re-entering care for at least 2 years).

Kathryn E. van Doore and Rebecca Nhep - Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity,

This article by Kathryn E. van Doore and Rebecca Nhep, published in the Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity, describes how orphanage trafficking occurs as a process of child trafficking.

Thomas Mugo Njeru & David Minja - International Academic Journal of Law and Society,

The study was guided by three objectives to; examine the influence of financial resources in the implementation of Cash Transfer program for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, determine how management influences the implementation of Cash Transfer program for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, examine the influence of stakeholders in the implementation of Cash Transfer program for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Isiolo county.

Chloe Sanguinetti - Modern Day Slavery and Orphanage Tourism,

This chapter from the book Modern Day Slavery and Orphanage Tourism draws on the author's film The Voluntourist that has aided in raising the groundswell of objection to orphanage tourism.

Leigh Mathews - Modern Day Slavery and Orphanage Tourism,

This chapter from the book Modern Day Slavery and Orphanage Tourism responds to the question of how sending countries (of people, money and resources) contribute to the institutionalization of children in receiving countries.

Karen Flanagan - Modern Day Slavery and Orphanage Tourism,

This chapter from the book Modern Day Slavery and Orphanage Tourism highlights promising practice which aims to prevent and reduce the institutionalization of children at two levels: (1) systems and social work strengthening, and (2) family strengthening and gatekeeping.

Pippa Biddle,

This chapter from the book Modern Day Slavery and Orphanage Tourism aims to identify the motivations behind voluntourism, categorizing them into types so as to provide a foundation upon which we might better assess why it is that so many voluntourists seek to work with children, often in institutional environments.

Robert C. Odoemene, Orizu Ideobodo Nwafor & James Anekwe - African Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences (AJSBS) ,

This study investigates and assesses the experiences of orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) who live with poverty, insecurity and social stigmatization in Owerri due largely to reasons of loss of parent(s) or being born by parents who are not there to take responsibilities for them. The purpose of the study is to inform and reform social policy by providing a better understanding of the suffering of orphans in our society.

Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition,

This brief from the Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition in the United States provides an overview of the 30 Days to Family® program in the U.S. state of Missouri, an intense, short-term intervention developed by the Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition to: 1) increase the number of children placed with relatives/kin at the time they enter the foster care system; and 2) ensure natural and community supports are in place to promote stability for the child.