
Displaying 6771 - 6780 of 14392

María E. Serra and Rose Mari Soria - Arch Argent Pediatr,

In this article, the experience, difficulties and perspectives of the first health training program for foster child care facilities personnel in Argentina are presented.

Mmamore Rebecca Babedi and Jace Pillay - Issues in Educational Research,

This qualitative research study explored the psycho-educational and social factors that contribute to anxiety in orphaned adolescent students in a secondary school in Welkom, Free State, South Africa.

Hunter, K. E. - University of Liverpool,

This thesis is concerned with the overrepresentation of black and minority ethnic (BME) children and looked after children, in the youth justice system in general and the secure state in particular, in England and Wales.

Leontina Mihaela Dragu - Revista Universitară de Sociologie,

The present study analyzes the process of deinstitutionalization in Romania, as a transition stage in the life of youngsters who leave care system after turning eighteen.

The National Child Traumatic Network (NCTN),

The National Child Traumatic Network (NCTN) has published a list of measures that front line professionals can use to assess the exposure to trauma among migrant and refugee families and children.

Tuzova O. N. & Stepanova D. N. - Psychology and Law,

The aim of this article is to develop proposals for the organization of a legal and regulatory framework in Russia, in accordance with the social and psychological needs of guardianship families and to identify the possibilities of the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child to protect the rights of minors raised in guardianship families.

Dr. Emily Keddell & Dr. Ian Hyslop - University of Otago,

Decisions in the child protection context take place in a complex environment influenced by individual decision-makers, institutional resources and practices, demographic inequalities, and family responses. This report describes some of these factors as reported by practitioners in the child protection context in Aotearoa New Zealand, providing an insight into the experiences and perceptions of front-line practitioners.

Mariana Josephat Makuu - Social Work and Society International Online Journal,

The objective of this paper is to examine the situation of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in existing alternative care systems and explore the treatment of OVC in these systems.

Anne-Fleur W. K. Vischer, Wendy J. Post, Hans Grietens, Erik J. Knorth, Elisa Bronfman - Infant Mental Health Journal,

Since failed reunification is a detrimental outcome for children, particularly infants and toddlers, the aim of this study was to gain insight into support to families in multiple-problem situations in the Netherlands to help them achieve sustainable good-enough parenting.

Neha Srivastava - University of California Los Angeles,

This dissertation study aimed to describe and understand adolescent girls’ subjective experiences of life in an after-care facility after transitioning out of institutionalized care in Delhi, India.