
Displaying 6801 - 6810 of 14392

Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V,

This report from the German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V., DJI) assesses the adoption system in the Netherlands.

Courtney Lewis - Alaska Law Review,

This article argues that the US state of Alaska should enact a state statute to provide clear guidance to state child welfare practitioners and state courts that Alaska’s state government recognizes an Indian custodianship created through Tribal law or custom as a pathway for Indian children to exit the overburdened state foster care system.

Erin Raffety - Disability Studies Quarterly,

This open access article explores three related phenomena: first, the abandonment and institutionalization of children with disabilities in China that increased disproportionately in the 2000s; second, the important relationships between such abandonments, culture, economics, and politics in contemporary China; and third, the relationship between such abandonments, the increasing rates at which Chinese orphans with disabilities are being adopted to Western countries through Inter-country Adoption (ICA), and the global politics of ICA and disability.

Together for Girls,

The Lesotho VACS Fact Sheet provides country-specific data on sexual and physical violence against children in Lesotho.

Mandy Duncan,

There have long been doubts within social work about the viability of reconciling participatory practice with the statutory power that comes hand-in-hand with child protection work. This book explores this issue by proposing an original theory of children’s participation within statutory child protection interventions. It prioritises children’s voices through presentation of a wide collection of children’s experiences of the UK child protection system including three unique in-depth accounts.

Lisa C.G. Di Lemma, Alisha R. Davies, Kat Ford, Karen Hughes, Lucia Homolova, Benjamin Gray, and Gillian Richardson - Public Health Wales and Bangor University,

To support innovation in addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), the authors have undertaken a review of evidence on common approaches to prevent ACEs and/or mitigate their negative impacts in Wales.

Kathleen Belanger, Ruth Mcroy, Joe Haynes - The Future of Adoption: Beyond Safety to Well-Being,

This paper describes two successful models in which African American families both self-recruited, and were recruited by agencies seeking to place African American children.

Ellen E. Pinderhughes - The Future of Adoption: Beyond Safety to Well-Being,

This paper discusses critical tasks facing adoptive parents of transracially adopted persons (TRAs), what we know about parents’ role and children’s outcomes.

Elsbeth Neil - The Future of Adoption: Beyond Safety to Well-Being,

When children are adopted from the care system staying in touch with members of their birth families must be considered.This research paper draws on the English experience.

Save the Children,

In commemoration of its founding 100 years ago, Save the Children is releasing its third annual Global Childhood Report to celebrate progress for children.