
Displaying 9321 - 9330 of 14398

Beatriz San Román & Karen S Rotabi - International Social Work ,

This study investigated how adoptive and prospective adoptive parents in Spain deal with signs of fraud and corruption within the intercountry adoption process, illuminating the dismissal of the systemic failures of intercountry adoption and the rights of birth families. 

Monica Luhar - NBC News,

Asian American and Pacific Islander children are struggling due to cultural and language barriers in California's Los Angeles and Orange Counties foster homes. Nonprofits in the area are working to recruit and train Asian-American foster families who can better understand the cultural needs of these children and make their transitions into care less traumatic. 

S. Raman, S. Ruston, S. Irwin, P. Tran, P. Hotton & S. Thorne - Child: Care, Health and Development ,

This study sought to identify child, carer, and intervention characteristics that contribute to child wellbeing for Aboriginal children in out-of-home care in Australia. The article also identifies enablers and barriers to providing trauma-informed and culturally competent care to Aboriginal children. 

The Annie E. Casey Foundation ,

This paper offers recommendations for child welfare professionals, caregivers and systems to use the research on adolescent brain development to work effectively with youth in or emerging from foster care. 

Jessica Marszalek - The Courier Mail,

Child Safety Minister Shannon Fentiman of Queensland, Australia announces $3 million trial to train foster carers and pay them to care for high-needs children who might otherwise live in residential care. 

The "Good Tourism" Blog ,

This article from the "Good Tourism" Blog is a commentary on orphanage volunteering and tourism as a form of modern slavery, highlighting a recent article featured in The Conversation and current efforts working to end orphanage tourism. 

Ekatha Ann Johnl - Times of India,

Since 2011, the government of Indian state Tamil Nadu has closed 843 unregistered child care institutions, with 1,300 registered homes still remaining. 

Stephanie Clifford & Jessica Silver-Greenberg - New York Times,

The practice of criminalizing the parenting choices of predominantly low-income women of color and placing their children in foster care is being deemed "Jane Crow," the New York Times reports. 

Ann Marie Leshkowich - SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia,

This article draws from three narratives of secret adoptions in Vietnam to further examine and analyze the complex nature and practices of domestic adoption in the country. 

Pech Sotheary - Khmer Times ,

The Cambodian Ministry of Social Affairs has announced that institutionalizing children under age 3 and the building of new orphanages in the country will be banned by the end of 2018.