El Salvador

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The Call for Abstracts is now open. We invite you to submit your scholarly work for consideration by ICAR-8 and join researchers and practitioners worldwide united by our common goal of ensuring a safe and permanent family for all children. Instructions are posted on the Abstracts page of this website and on the Ex-Ordo ICAR-8 Abstract Submission/Registration website.

Helping Children Worldwide, Laura Horvath, Emmanuel M. Nabieu, Yasmine Vaughan, Melody Curtiss,

Listen to transition support experts David Musa and Yatta Palmer of the Child Reintegration Centre (CRC) explain how transition is getting more children home to family and learn about the challenges, successes, and the powerful role of the CRC in revolutionizing child welfare in Sierra Leone.

SAYes Alumni Group,

The SAYes Alumni Group is hosting a series of online networking events presented by care-experienced young people from across the globe. For our next event Lourdes Cafivela from Namibia will lead the presentation topic: "Care Leavers' Exchange Forum Initiative".

Sonia Byrne, Ninoslava Pećnik, Isabel María Bernedo, Eliška Kodysova, Koraljka Modic Stanke, Javier de Frutos, María José Rodrigo,

This study proposed a multicomponent model of implementation strategies to empirically examine the degree of adoption of evidence-based practice (EBP) at national, agency, and practitioner levels in a sample of 20 member countries of the European family support network.

Marion Kithi - The Standard,

The birth of David (not his real name) was regarded as an evil omen.

Hannah Sand, Fabio Sticca, Flavia M. Wehrle, Dominique A. Eichelberger, Heidi Simoni, Oskar G. Jenni, Patricia Lannen,

The purpose of this longitudinal study conducted on institutionalized infants and toddlers in Switzerland from 1958 to 1961 and then 60 years later on the same group, is to investigate the effects of psychosocial deprivation on cognitive functioning in late adulthood.

Changing the Way We Care,

Este artigo explora o papel da avaliação e gestão de caso no contexto das reformas do sistema de cuidados alternativos. Oferece princípios transversais de boas práticas, as etapas essenciais e descreve os fatores críticos envolvidos nas práticas de avaliação e gestão de caso eficazes. Baseando-se na literatura da região, o artigo visa fornecer uma orientação abrangente aos profissionais e às partes interessadas envolvidas nos cuidados, no bem-estar e na proteção das crianças. O anexo fornece detalhes dos recursos de avaliação e gestão de caso da região da África Oriental e Austral e também em outros lugares.

Changing the Way We Care,

Ce document explore le rôle de la gestion de cas dans le contexte des réformes de la prise en charge. Il propose des principes transversaux de bonnes pratiques, des étapes essentielles et décrit les facteurs critiques impliqués dans des pratiques efficaces de gestion de cas. S’appuyant sur la littérature de la région, ce document vise à fournir une orientation générale aux professionnels et aux acteurs impliqués dans la prise en charge, le bien-être et la protection de l’enfance. L’annexe fournit des détails sur les ressources en matière de gestion de cas dans la région de l’Afrique de l’Est et australe ainsi qu’au-delà.

Changing the Way We Care,

This paper explores the role of case management in the context of care reforms. It offers cross-cutting principles of good practice, essential steps, and describes critical factors involved in effective case management practices. Drawing on literature from the Eastern and Southern Africa region and beyond, the paper aims to provide overarching guidance to professionals and stakeholders involved in children’s care, welfare, and protection. 

Better Care Network, Transforming Children's Care Collaborative, Casa Viva,

In this interview, BCN’s Senior Technical Advisor, Rebecca Nhep, speaks with Phil Aspegren, Founder of Casa Viva, about transitioning residential care services with child sponsorship funding models.