French Guiana

Displaying 13631 - 13640 of 14477

Florence Martin and Tata Sudrajat, Save the Children, Indonesia Ministry of Social Affairs, UNICEF,

Comprehensive evaluation of national responses and level of care standards for children without parental care in Indonesia.

Government of Sierra Leone,

The Child Rights Act of 2007 provides for the promotion of the rights of the child compatible with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20th November, 1989, and its Optional Protocol of 8th September, 2000, and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, and for other related matters.

Nicholas Richardson, Dr Leah Bromfield and Dr Alexandra Osborn - Australian Institute of Family Studies,

The aims of this paper are to: summarise what we know from Australian research about cultural considerations for children and young people in care; assess the quality of the evidence base; and identify future research needs.

Together for Girls,

The Violence Against Children Survey (VACS) datasets provide an opportunity for researchers to conduct investigations with the rich, detailed information available in the VACS, and helps increase our understanding of and ability to prevent and respond to the epidemic of violence against girls and boys.

Ruth Levitas, Christina Pantazis, Eldi Fahmy, David Gordon, Eva Lloyd and Demi Patsios,

This project reviews existing sources on multi-dimensional disadvantage or severe forms of social exclusion characterised as ‘deep exclusion’ for the purpose of recommending possibilities for secondary analysis of existing data sets to explore the

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),

L’objectif global de l’étude est d’améliorer les connaissances par rapport à la protection et aux droits des enfants placés en établissement au Sri Lanka, d’utiliser ces connaissances pour promouvoir des changements axés sur la recherche et de faciliter la mise en œuvre des pratiques exemplaires et des solutions de rechange convenables aux soins en établissement.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),

L’étude vise à offrir un aperçu des services institutionnels et de rechange en matière de soins des enfants ayant besoin de protection spéciale au Vietnam. 

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),

L’Afrique du Sud a ete confrontée au fardeau écrasant d’avoir le plus important nombre de personnes atteintes du SIDA partout au monde. Par conséquent, le VIH/SIDA a joué un rôle assidu dans l’affaiblissement des mécanismes familiaux et communautaires de protection des enfants, qui se traduit par un affaiblissement de la capacité des enfants à se protéger. 

Mansell J, Knapp M, Beadle-Brown J and Beecham, J ,

This project aimed to bring together the available information on the number of disabled people living in residential institutions in 28 European countries, and to identify successful strategies for replacing institutions with community-based services, paying particular attention to economic issues in the transition. It is the largest study of its kind. This project was funded in order to identify as a priority the practical considerations of how to support states making the transition to community-based services, including managing the costs of doing so. 

Save the Children,

This video by Save the Children highlights key research findings from an assessment on the quality of care in children's homes in Indonesia (2007), jointly published with the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs and UNICEF.