French Guiana

Displaying 13881 - 13890 of 14477

Mental Disability Rights International,

This report describes the findings of a two-year investigation in Turkey by Mental Disability Rights International (MDRI) and exposes the human rights abuses perpetrated against children and adults with mental disabilities. Locked away and out of public view, people with psychiatric disorders as well as people with intellectual disabilities are subjected to treatment practices that are tantamount to torture. Inhuman and degrading conditions of confinement are widespread throughout the Turkish mental health system. 

Farm Orphan Support Trust,

This manual aims to help trainers, OVC programme staff and volunteers refocus on the non-material support they offer to children and to demonstrate how this can be offered in a structured way.

The St. Petersburg–USA Orphanage Research Team,

This report provides baseline information on conditions in orphanages in the Russian Federation. This information addresses three major limitations in the literature on the development of children residing in substandard orphanages and those adopted from such environments.

Miller L, Chan W, Comfort K, Tirella L.,

Since 1986, American parents have adopted over 17,300 children from Guatemala. This study assessed the health, growth, and developmental status of 103 Guatemalan adopted children (48 girls; 55 boys) after arrival in the United States. Physical evidence suggestive of prenatal alcohol exposure and adequacy of vaccinations administered were also reviewed.

Human Rights Watch,

Russia is home to one of the fastest-growing AIDS epidemics in the world, but the government has done little to address the problem.

Conseil de l'Europe-Comité des Ministres aux Etats membres,

La Recommandation Rec(2005)5 du Conseil de l'Europe relative aux droits des enfants vivant en institution énonce les principes directeurs généraux qui s’appliquent quand un enfant est placé hors de sa famille, notamment dans une institution, et souligne que tout placement doit garantir le plein respect des droits humains de l’enfant. 

Reach Out Refugee Protection Training Project ,

This module is designed to increase field staff awareness, knowledge, and understanding on gender-based violence (GBV) and aims ultimately to contribute to the effective protection of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs).

Leah Bromfield and Daryl Higgins - Australian Institute of Family Studies,

This paper is a national snapshot of Australian statutory child protection services.

Richard Carter - Every Child,

This report reviews the faltering progress made in childcare reform across Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union over the 15 years since the ‘orphanages’ of Romania were revealed to the world.


This report presents an overview of the Millennium Development Goals and ‘A World Fit for Children’ commitments, the situation of children in the Islamic world,  and the constraints and challenges facing children in the region in regards to health, education, poverty, child protection, and HIV/AIDS. The report asks “are we fulfilling our commitment to children?”