French Guiana

Displaying 7071 - 7080 of 14477

Frank Van Holen, Lenny Trogh, Delphine West, Nina Meys, Johan Vanderfaeillie - Children and Youth Services Review,

In this study, concept mapping was used to identify the needs of nonkinship foster parents from Caucasian ethnicity who care for unaccompanied refugee minors (URM) in Flanders (Dutch speaking part of Belgium).

Mark E. Courtney, Erin J. Valentine, Melanie Skemer - Children and Youth Services Review,

The study reported here uses a random-assignment evaluation design to assess the impact of the YVLifeSet program on young adults transitioning to adulthood from the child welfare and juvenile justice systems in the state of Tennessee.

Sophie Xuefei Wang - Review of Development Economics,

This paper examines the relationship between the migration of men from rural China and the educational attainment of their left‐behind children.

Marina Haddock Potter & Sarah A. Font - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study sought to investigate associations of caregiver-child closeness, monitoring, and dating communication with youth's sexual initiation, sexual partners, and unprotected intercourse over the subsequent 12 months.

Donna J. Cherry & John G. Orme - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study replicated and extended previous research by conducting a follow-up study of 107 families (90% response rate) 17 years after pre-service training. Consistent with previous research we found a small proportion (10%) of families who provide a disproportionate amount of care in terms of length of service and number of children fostered, approved to foster, adopted, and removed at families' request.

Michael Saini, Tara Black, Elisabeth Godbout, Sevil Deljavan - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper reports on an exploratory cross-sectional online survey of child protection service providers from five child protection agencies that investigates the struggles faced by child protection workers when responding to complaints made by acrimonious ex-partners within the context of child custody disputes.

SOS Children's Villages,

On 15 November, care leavers and young people in Europe shared their recommendations with more than 60 representatives of governments, NGOs, youth welfare services and universities at the final project roundtable in Brussels.  

Sharon Dijkstra, Jessica J. Asscher, Maja Deković, Geert Jan J. M. Stams, Hanneke E. Creemers - Child Maltreatment,

The present study examined the effectiveness of Family Group Conferencing (FGC) in child welfare.

Julia Hernández, Jill Duerr Berrick - Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services,

Although the extant literature provides rough estimates of the number and characteristics of children living in most care arrangements, research on kinship probate guardianship is especially scarce. This article focuses on kinship probate guardianship in an effort to build the literature on this understudied population.


This 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report continues its assessment of progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on education and its ten targets, as well as other related education targets in the SDG agenda. Its main focus is on the theme of migration and displacement.