French Guiana

Displaying 7361 - 7370 of 14477

Lawrence Deane, Jenna Glass, Inez Vystrcil-Spence, Javier Mignone - First Peoples Child & Family Review,

This paper documents findings from an evaluation of the Live-In Family Enhancement (LIFE) program, and recommends that this approach be expanded for use in prevention as well as reunification.

Alva Tang, Natalie Slopen, Charles A. Nelson, Charles H. Zeanah, Michael K. Georgieff & Nathan A. Fox - Pediatric Research ,

This study explored whether patterns of catch-up growth affect metabolic and cardiovascular outcomes in previously institutionalized adolescents in Romania.

Focus in Africa - BBC World News,

This video from Focus in Africa, BBC World News highlights findings from a recent Disability Rights International (DRI) report which explores the practice of infanticide of children born with disabilities in Kenya.

Servicio Social Internacional,

El manual es tanto una hoja de ruta para los responsables de la formulación de políticas como una guía diaria para los profesionales que trabajan con niños y niñas en situación de migración: desde los trabajadores humanitarios y el personal de fronteras hasta los trabajadores sociales responsables de la creación de planes individualizados que pongan a los niños y niñas primero.

University of Kent,

This course will help practitioners improve communication skills through techniques which place the child at the heart of the interaction.

Un groupe international,

Un groupe international multi-agences offre une formation gratuite (MOOC): "Joignez-vous à d’autres collègues internationaux Garantir une prise en charge adéquate pour tous les enfants: La mise en œuvre des Lignes directrices des Nations unies relatives à la protection de remplacement pour les enfants."

Un grupo internacional,

Un grupo internacional formado por varias agencias ofrece una capacitación gratuita (MOOC): "Súmese a otros colegas internacionales: Asegurar un cuidado adecuado para todos los niños: Implementando las Directrices sobre las Modalidades Alternativas de Cuidado de los Niños de la ONU." 

International Inter-Agency Group,

This free massive online open course (MOOC) delves into what the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children look like in practice.

Walters Mudoh Sanji - Resilience and the Re-integration of Street Children and Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa,

This chapter from the book Resilience and the Re-integration of Street Children and Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa is comprised of two studies. The first study provides an analysis of the psychological situation of street children and youth in Yaoundé and Douala, while the second one deals with resilience building within a rehabilitation home.

Radio France International,

New research has revealed that nearly half of Kenyan mothers with disabled babies are pressured to kill them.