French Guiana

Displaying 7771 - 7780 of 14477

Ruth M. Chambers, Rashida M. Crutchfield, Stephanie G. Goddu Harper, Maryam Fatemi, Angel Y. Rodriguez - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examines how a child welfare agency implemented an innovative pilot initiative designed to promote timely family reunification.

Annabelle Timsit - Quartz,

This article from Quartz takes a historical view of orphanages in the United States, reporting that orphanages often separated children of color at disproportionately high rates as compared to white children and that most of the children housed in orphanages during the time of their use in the US had at least one living parent.

National Indian Child Welfare Association,

The National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) calls on the Trump Administration to acknowledge that ending the policy of systematically separating children from families at the border is not over until every child is reunited with their parents and found safe and unharmed.

Society for Research in Child Development,

This "Statement of the Evidence" from the Society for Research in Child Development presents the evidence on the harmful impacts of family separation.

Maggie Fox - NBC News,

This article from NBC News shares perspectives of several child development researchers and other experts, including Nathan Fox (a child development specialist at the University of Maryland and one of the primary researchers in the Bucharest Early Intervention Project), regarding the impacts of family separation on children.

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

Harvard University's Center on the Developing Child has issued a statement calling the US policy of "sudden, forcible separation of children from their parents" a "deeply traumatic" experience for both children and parents.

World Vision International,

World Vision is recruiting a Safeguarding Advisor.

Mao‐Mei Liu, Fernando Riosmena, Mathew J. Creighton - Population, Space and Place,

This paper examines the gendered roles of sibling position and network‐derived social capital in Mexican and Senegalese international migration.

Tatiana Eremenko & Rachel Bennett - Population, Space and Place,

This paper adopts a life course perspective to explore well‐being amongst youth (18–25 years) who migrated as children to the UK and France.

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ),

The U.S. National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) has issued a statement condemning the U.S. policy of family separation at the border with Mexico.