French Guiana

Displaying 7891 - 7900 of 14477

Masakazu Okada, Masaaki Otaga, Takako Tsutsui, Hisateru Tachimori, Shingo Kitamura, Shigekazu Higuchi, Kazuo Mishima - Plos One,

In this study, the authors sought to identify sleep habits and suspected sleep disorders among abused children and adolescents admitted to residential care facilities in Japan and to investigate their association with emotional and behavioral problems.

John Simmonds - Children Australia,

This paper identifies some of the key debates about the evidence from outcomes for children placed in foster care, the challenging issues in the design of the system, how it operates and what the outcomes for children look like.

Erin P. Hambrick, Thomas W. Brawner and Bruce D. Perry - Children Australia,

In this article, the authors explore whether current relational health (connectedness) promotes positive outcomes for child welfare-involved youth while controlling for developmental risk (history of adverse, and lack of relationally positive, experiences).

Atenas Burrola - Human Rights Watch,

"A practice of tearing children apart from their parents to keep other immigrants from coming is abusive and completely indefensible," writes Human Rights Watch in regards to the U.S. policy of separating families who arrive from the U.S. - Mexico border.

Maria Scannapieco, Kirstin R. Painter, Gary Blau - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study had two purposes; first to examine mental health disparities among LGBTQ youth and their heterosexual peers who are involved in the child welfare system, and second to observe the effectiveness of systems of care with youth in child welfare and if any differences exist between LGBTQ youth and heterosexual youth.

Terre des hommes,

From June 1 to 4, Terre des hommes organizes an Innovation Bootcamp in Budapest. The Bootcamp will gather experts from around the world to co-create six innovative ideas that aim to improve the protection of children.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Beatrice Hannah & Matt Woolgar - Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry,

This study aims to confirm the proof of concept within foster carers and to explore the potential risks associated with intent to continue fostering, overall job satisfaction and psychological factors (avoidant coping) that could be targets for interventions.

Sally Weale - The Guardian,

"Thousands of 'pinball kids' are being shifted around the care system and between schools, putting them at risk of being excluded, groomed and recruited into gangs" in the UK, according to this article from the Guardian.

Karlsson, Henrik,

This thesis took on a meta-analytical approach to examine sources of heterogeneity between studies evaluating the effect of foster care on adaptive functioning, cognitive functioning, externalizing behavior, internalizing behavior, and total problems behavior.