French Guiana

Displaying 7861 - 7870 of 14477

Colleen E. Bennet, M. Katherine Henry, Joanne N. Wood - Foster Care,

This paper reviews the development, behavioral, and mental health needs of children in foster care.

Ministry of Cults and Religion, Kingdom of Cambodia,

This Wat Sangkahak Komar policy (or Child Safeguarding Policy) is part of the comprehensive mechanism within pagodas in Cambodia to respond to suspected and reported cases of violence against or abuse of children.

UNICEF Ghana, Department of Social Welfare of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection,

This Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) is intended as a guide for social workers in handling cases of children in need of care and protection.

ChildFund International and FHI 360,

This Learning Brief draws on project documents,focus group discussions and individual interviews to document ChildFund International’s experience with Children and Youth Savings Groups for highly vulnerable children in Uganda’s Kamuli, Luwero and Gulu Districts through the Economic Strengthening for Families (ESFAM) Project.

ChildFund International and FHI 360,

This Learning Brief draws on information collected via focus group discussions, individual interviews, and project data to describe ESFAM’s experience with and learning from its MSA intervention, which aimed to encourage families to save for educational expenses, so that they would not have to send their children to residential care institutions for school.

Bekele Molla and Zena Berhanu - Ethiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities (EJOSSAH),

This article aims to explore the experiences of Ethiopian unaccompanied and separated migrant children in Yemen.

Omama Altaleb - Islamic Horizons,

This cover story from the Islamic Society of North America's Islamic Horizons publication highlights the need for more Muslim foster families in the US.

Eric Lindland, Teresa Mwoma, George Evans Owino, Mariah Ngutu, Lynette Okeng’o, Damaris Nelima - FrameWorks Institute ,

This report considers a set of key overlaps and gaps in understanding of children’s early development and perception among experts, the Kenyan public, and people who work and make decisions in the early childhood development (ECD) sector in Kenya.

Doncel ,

En este documento se presentan los principales resultados de una investigación se propuso conocer las dinámicas y trayectorias de transición del sistema de cuidados alternativos a la autonomía de los y las jóvenes que vivieron en instituciones de cuidado residencial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Amy Dworsky, Elissa Gitlow, Kristen Ethier - Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago,

This report presents preliminary results from an evaluation of the Home Visiting Pilot Program, serving pregnant or parenting youth in foster care.