
Displaying 10951 - 10960 of 14476

Missing Children Europe,

The objective of the project is to reduce the numbers of unaccompanied children who go missing. This project addresses how the issue of the disappearance of an unaccompanied child is tackled in different Member States and promotes promising strategies and behaviours related to the prevention and response to disappearances.

Parenting in Africa Network and Save the Children,

This report shares highlights and lessons learned from PAN's work on family strengthening during the year 2015. 

The Guardian,

The Nigerian Forum on Rehabilitation of Street Children, a non-governmental organisation, recently claimed that no fewer than 13 million children across the country live and survive on the streets.

Coalition of Children Affected by AIDS,

On behalf of the Coalition of Children Affected by AIDS, is calling for papers on “Children and HIV: Equity Now Reaching All Children in the Epidemic.” Manuscripts are due 1 February 2016.


Selon des chiffres communiqués par Europol, 10.000 enfants migrants, sur 270.000 recensés, ont disparu en entrant dans l'espace Schengen. Nombre d'entre eux seraient désormais exploités dans des réseaux criminels.

Child's i Foundation,

​This video by Child's i Foundation in Uganda document's the journey of a little girl, Praise, from being abandoned to being placed into to a permanent family. The video shows the tracing process and temporary placement with a foster car

BBC News,

According to Europol, more than 10,000 migrant children may have disappeared after arriving and registering in Europe over the past two years.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. 

Child's i Foundation,

Five years ago, Child's i Foundation founder Lucy Buck set up a 25-bed 'transitional facility' to prove it was possible to place children in need of care into permanent families. Childs' i Foundation piloted an 'emergency care pilot' to see i

Bertine Bargeman, Greg Richards & Ellen Govers ,

Using a practice approach focused on interactions between foreign volunteers and local staff, this study examined the impact of volunteer tourism on Zion Primary School and Tamale Children’s Home (an orphanage), both in Tamale, Ghana.