
Displaying 10961 - 10970 of 14476

Rebecca Nhep, ACCI ,

This tool was designed to help those seeking to assist Christian faith-based actors involved in long-term residential care programs make the transition from institutional to non-institutional (family and community-based) child welfare programs.

Associated Press - Los Angeles Times,

This article from the Los Angeles Times reports migrant children in the government's care were placed in U.S. homes and left vulnerable to human trafficking due to sometimes nonexistent screening by the Department of Health and Human Services. 

Mary Clare Jalonick and Garance Burke, Associated Press,

A recent U.S. bipartisan congressional investigation reported that migrant children in the government's care fell prey to human trafficking.


The UK Government announced that it would take in refugee children who have become separated from their families in Syria and other conflicts.


UNICEF Ghana is seeking to fill a position for a P3 Child Protection Specialist (Alternative Care).

The deadline for submitting applications is 28 January 2016. 

Human Rights Watch,

Dans le monde entier, des enfants se morfondent derrière des barreaux, parfois pendant des périodes prolongées. Ils sont exposés dans bien des cas à des brutalités et des conditions inhumaines. Le manque de données fiables et le grand nombre d’institutions concernées font que le nombre total d’enfants privés de liberté dans le monde n’est pas connu avec précision. Pour sa part, l’UNICEF estime qu’au moins un million d’enfants dans le monde sont derrière des barreaux. 

Chinta Puxley, The Canadian Press,

Cora Morgan, the children's advocate for Manitoba First Nations, says some child-welfare agencies are breaking the law and discriminating against indigenous family members. She claims some agencies are ignoring capable relatives who could care for children who are taken into care, and are instead placing them in the care of strangers.

Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post,

U.S. President Barack Obama issued executive orders that ban the use of solitary confinement for juveniles in federal prisons.


Lumos, an international non-profit organisation founded by J.K. Rowling to help countries reform their services for disadvantaged children, has begun working with partners in Greece to help bring about reforms for institutionalised children. Lumos hosted a conference in Athens supporting deinstitutionalisation in Greece which was attended by over 70 policymakers, children’s welfare professionals, and civil society delegates. 

Eunju Lee, Mi Jin Choi, Michael Clarkson-Henderix - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study tests the psychometric properties and construct validity of the Family Needs Scale using sample of 303 informal kinship families recruited through local child welfare and social services in New York, USA.