
Displaying 11081 - 11090 of 14468

Stephen Ucembe - Global Perspectives,

In this chapter of Global Perspectives, Stephen Ucembe uses his personal experiences and his experiences as a social work professional to discuss institutional care in Kenya.  This chapter covers the factors that influence institutional care of children in Kenya, international aid, volunteerism, and the negatives of institutional care.

Marit Ursin - Cogitatio, Social Inclusion,

This study examined patterns of prejudice along exclusionary and inclusionary practices involving young men living on the street within the area studied. This longitudinal and ethnographic study stretches over a decade and the same group of boys originally inhabiting one specific neighbourhood (Barra) in their transitions into adulthood. The research included participant observation, narrative interviews with young street dwellers, and semi-structured interviews with middle class residents, businesses, and police officers.

Faizah Haji Mas’ud - Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: Global Perspectives,

In this chapter from Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: Global Perspectives, First Edition Faizah Haji Mas’ud discusses the state of residential care in Malaysia.  Mas’ud covers Malaysia and welfare policy, types of children’s services, as well as challenges and issues Malaysia faces in providing residential care to children.

Letnie F. Rock- Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: Global Perspectives,

This chapter from Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: Global Perspectives, First Edition discusses how residential care has evolved and how it currently exists in the English-Speaking Caribbean.

Rawan W. Ibrahim - Global Perspectives,

This study is a retrospective discussion of the experiences faced by young Jordanian adults who grew up in residential care before entering adult life.  These young adults use their life experiences to demonstrate the challenges that people exiting residential care face. Per this chapter, post-care experience is influenced by in-care experience.

Priya Anaokar, Kathi-Ann Thomas, Joan Thomas, Ceceile Minott, Marva Campbell and Julie Meeks Gardner - Global Perspectives,

This chapter from the book Global Perspectives discusses the challenges young people in Jamaica face as they age out of care.  The researchers review three Jamaican studies, which highlight challenges for young people, service providers and policy makers.  The reviews found that while there are state mechanisms in place, more needs to be done to ensure these mechanisms are followed.

Ahmed A. Albar - Global Perspectives,

This chapter discusses the popular approaches used in the care of abandoned children and young people born without parents.

Prem Kumar SG, Anil Kumar G, Ramgopal SP, Venkata Srinivas V and Rakhi Dandona – BMC Psychiatry,

This study compared the generalized anxiety, conduct and peer relationship problems and their associated risk factors among children orphaned by HIV/ AIDS and those due to other reasons in the Indian city of Hyderabad.

Patricia Murrieta Cummings - Asian Journal of Latin American Studies (2016) Vol. 29 No. 3: 29-54,

The researcher in this study investigates the “relationship between child labor and the opportunity cost of schooling, taking into account other factors that influence parents’ decisions about child labor and schooling.”

M. Lotko, L. Leikuma and M. Gopalswamy Battle -- 5th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference Society, Health, Welfare,

This study notes that there are currently 700 million people below the poverty line. According to this study, around 40 percent are considered vulnerable children.  It further states that according to UNICEF India has approximately 11 million children living on the streets.  It is one of the highest concentration of the street children in the world.  To investigate the status of street children, this study investigated outreach work in Latvia, Czech Republic and India.